The Parker Home, New York, Saturday afternoon

Jun 02, 2007 18:17

Peter and his friends returned to the Parker home in Forest Hills. Peter still wasn't lookng good. His clothes were kind of manky at this point and had even more cuts from shrapnel than his face. But he looked determined.

When they walked in, there was some hysterical flailing from Aunt May since Peter and Charlie had both been missing for the past day and suddenly here he was, cut and bruised. Peter asked his friends to stay in the living room and went with May into the kitchen. He had a lot to explain.

Aunt May
"So, we're away from your friends. What's going on? What is always going on?" May demanded.

"I'm sorry. I should have told you a long time ago. I just... I didn't know whether or not you'd be able to take it. I was going to tell you so many times, but I just didn't," Peter rambled.

Aunt May
"Tell me what?" May asked.

"I'm sorry. I should have told you a long time ago. I just... I didn't know whether or not you'd be able to take it. I was going to tell you so many times, but I just didn't," Peter rambled.

Aunt May
"Tell me what?" May asked.

"Sit down," Peter requested. May reluctantly complied. "There's no easy way to tell you this, so I'm just going to say this and then we'll deal with it however you want."

Peter took a deep breath. "I'm Spider-Man. I've always been Spider-Man. I have powers and put on a costume and try to help people. It's me."

Aunt May
May was silent. She looked down as if trying to collect her thoughts. After a moment of reflection, she looked up and stared into Peter's eyes. "Prove it."

Peter turned away. "I'd rather-"

Aunt May
"Prove it!" she demanded.

Peter jumped straight up and landed on the ceiling. He flashed a grin.

Aunt May
May stared at the boy that she had raised. "Stop it." She watched as he stopped smiling and sheepishly dropped back to the ground. "The whole time?"

"I got bit by that spider that time," Peter said. "That did it."

Aunt May
"Norman Osborn? All that trouble with him and Harry? That's why he was so weird with you?" May asked.

"Yes," Peter admitted.

Aunt May
"Have you been doing this Spider-Man thing at school, too?" May asked.

"Kind of. School is a bit different than what I've told you," Peter admitted.

Aunt May
"How?" she asked.

"There are regular monster attacks. Zombies, snow creatures, mermaids, all kinds of crazy things. And sometimes I need to use my powers to help people there," Peter said. "Not as Spider-Man, though. Just as... just as me."

Aunt May
"I see," May said. "Where have you been the past day? Did you get hurt being Spider-Man?"

"I..." Peter started. He honestly had no clue how to explain all of this. "My DNA is different from most people. Some people got ahold of a blood sample somehow and, um, cloned me. A lot, I guess. They needed more and they knew I was back here, so they kidnapped me. I've been beat up and drugged and I had to fight that lunatic Octavius again and... I'm just so tired right now."

Aunt May
"You were drugged and beaten and cloned. You've been going to a school where you regularly fight monsters. You've been risking your life every single day for two years," May stated. "You're all the family that I have left! I gave up my entire adult life to take care of you even though you're not my son and you've done nothing but lie to me! What would your father say? What would Ben say?"

Peter couldn't look directly at May, but there was something else that he needed to confess.

"He told me once that if you have power you have a responsibility to use it right," Peter said. "He didn't know that I was Spider-Man then. I was doing some wrestling to make some money and I didn't understand what he meant."

"I didn't know anything about responsibility and that cost him his life."

Aunt May
May's anger turned to shock. "Wh...what?"

"I was walking home after a wrestling match and this guy robbed a convenience store. I saw him do it, but I was too wrapped up in my own stupid crap to do anything to stop him. I could have, it would have been nothing for me to do it," Peter said, tears welling up.

"But I didn't. And then that guy ran off and I guess he hadn't stolen enough so he tried to rob a house. And he saw the owner of the house and wouldn't listen when he said that the robber probably had more money than he did. And then he laughed at the irony and the robber freaked out and he shot him."

"And when I came home, and I saw the police cars, and Uncle Ben was dead. When I ran away, I put on my costume and hunted Uncle Ben's killer down. It was the guy that I was too stupid to stop earlier. If I had done the right thing then, Uncle Ben would still be alive."

Peter sniffled as the tears started to fall. "I have this great power. I have a great responsibility to use it right. I'm so sorry for everything but I have to be Spider-Man. It's the only way to make things right."

Aunt May
As Peter told his story, May started to clutch her chest. All these lies, the changes to their lives... it was just too much. All of this was too much. The pain was too much.

"My heart..." she said before falling back.

"AUNT MAY!" Peter yelled. Thanks to his powers, he was fast enough to catch her. From there, though, he was stunned and clueless. "Aunt May!"

[OOC: Preplayed with myself. Continued in the comments if anyone in New York would like to join in. Once again, some dialogue lifted directly from canon.

And the Clone Saga plot is over! No more preplaying! No more coding!]

responsibility, spidey, hospital, ny, may, road trip, woe!, clone saga

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