Title: The Apple and Eve
Fandom: Twilight
Pairing: Jacob/Bella, Edward/Bella
Rating: PG
Word Count: 213
Summary: Here's the story you haven't heard...
Author's Notes: Written for the
Epic Jacob/Bella Drabble-a-thon over at
sortofbeautiful, which, because it's a lazy Sunday afternoon, isn't so epic right now. SO GO FORTH AND PARTICIPATE.
The Apple and Eve
Here’s the story you haven’t heard:
Eve leaves Eden for a place that isn’t paradise, a place that’s still green and fertile but cold with rain and ice. She meets a boy there who’s named Adam, created in the image of humanity. And Eve loves Adam and Adam loves Eve, even when she is made a juxtaposition to his beauty. (Because Eve has never really minded being invisible.)
But everyone has secrets-Adam, most of all. One day he turns into a serpent and hangs from the charred and twisted branches of a dying tree. He offers Eve a bright red apple with hope in his eyes and promises upon his tongue.
Then Eve meets another boy in this garden that isn’t Eden. He’s not quite like her-not exactly-but he knows her better than she knows herself, and he warms this cold, green place like the sun.
And Eve loves this boy and he loves her, because he keeps her safe when they take risks; and he’s the stability that her crumbling life has lacked.
Here’s the story you haven’t heard:
Eve accepts the apple, but she doesn’t take a bite.
(After Bella leaves Edward, still wearing her wedding dress on the back of Jacob’s motorcycle, she never eats apples again.)