Robin/Wondergirl stuff

Mar 20, 2007 15:02

For those of you who haven't caught on...I'm a Tim/Cassie shipper. As in Drake/Sandsmark,Robin/Wondergirl, Mr. Sarcastic/Demigoddess...however ya wanna put it. OYL stuck the seed into my brain, and it just grew from there. However, fanfic concerning this pair is downright rare. So...I'm making a list. I encourage anyone and everyone to check it ( Read more... )

tim drake, robin, wondergirl, cassie, tim

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Comments 11

trunks_angel March 20 2007, 21:36:07 UTC
I will do some Cassie/Tim stuff for you if it'll make you happy! *Flail*


angel_gidget March 20 2007, 22:16:24 UTC
Oh, yes please! It would make me very, very happy! ^_^


snows March 20 2007, 22:19:12 UTC
:[ This makes me miss Conner. But, OYL is what's happening now, -sigh.- ;_;


angel_gidget March 21 2007, 11:14:10 UTC
I miss him too. I look forward to when he comes back, and if he and Cassie get back together then, I will be quite happy. Conner/Cassie is another pairing I love, and I may make a list of my fave stuff concerning them too, but I figued no one else was gonna make a Tim/Cassie list, so I had to do it myself.


kalanyr2 March 24 2007, 22:45:06 UTC
Neat. I'd seen most of the fic before but there were a couple there I hadn't seen. The art is pretty cool though Superboy & Spoiler play matchmaker w/Robin & Wondergirl seems to be flocked so I can't see it.


angel_gidget March 25 2007, 00:48:49 UTC
Fixed it! You can try again now! ^_^


in_excelsis_dea May 17 2007, 20:44:01 UTC
I've just recently gotten into the ship and now it's one of my favorites. I'm highly considering taking on Tim/Cassie at the 7snogs challenge and I think you just ended up convincing me. I have noticed the lack of fic myself, which is kind of disheartening. I wish there was more around...

Thank you very much for compiling that list- I ended up reading everything on it and was quite thrilled.

I don't mind Cassie/Connor and I wish he didn't die. But his death seemed to enable to get Tim and Cassie together, sort of, so... I'm not *too* broken hearted over it. I think it also helps that I haven't read Young Justice, unfortunately, so my only experiences with Kon are in Titans, and he's...kind of bland in them. I like his fan fic version much better.


angel_gidget May 19 2007, 11:48:00 UTC
Sorry to hear that you missed out on Superboy at his best. Go ahead and read whatever back issues of Young Justice that you can get your hands on. He may be dead, but it's still worth the effort to get attached to him.

As for the Tim/Cassie challenge, oh yes! Please do it! I'd love to have you post the links for the entries over at this community too. I wish ya luck!


in_excelsis_dea May 19 2007, 13:18:31 UTC
I'm having a hard time finding Young Justice, unfortunately. But I am in the process of "acquiring" *coughs*downloading*coughs* Superboy v.3. So I should get to know Kon better. It's annoying, because I *really, really really* want Young Justice. But alas...

I claimed, but haven't heard anything back. So far I've got one fic completely done and another three in the works, but I don't dare post because I haven't officially been accepted yet and yeah. It's really getting annoying, because I *hate* sitting on fan fic and not being able to post it...

And because I'm addicted to Theme_Challenges, even when I really don't have the time for them, I'll probably end up with a lot more fics. I don't know why, but I've suddenly become very obsessive about Tim/Cassie... So I'll probably end up with several more fics down the line.

Thanks for the encouragement and the hint of Young Justice!


angel_gidget May 20 2007, 12:39:02 UTC
I wish you luck on your search for YJ stuff. If you're interested in bits and pieces, there's always the Young Justice tag on scans_daily.

Oooh. I hate waiting for claims to come in too. I took up a comicicon_100 challenge of Wondergirl and got almost halfway through all my icons before they finally got around to my claim. Fanfic, though? I imagine that it must be even *worse* for fanfic. Go ahead and keep writing while the muse is with ya, though. If they don't get around to your claim, you can post the stories anyway and just not tack on the name of the challenge, or mention in the post that they aren't "Officially" part of the challenge. Just don't stop writing! I've seen some of your stuff over at batfic, and I love it!


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