Title: The Doctor's Coat
Author: Persiflage_1
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Martha, Donna
Rating: U
Spoilers: Season 4 trailer photo
Summary: Martha's given warmth.
Disclaimer: The BBC owns "Doctor Who" and the Doctor owns me…
Author Notes:
malaleen suggested this prompt (based on this
photo) for the
lifeonmartha 1000 Drabbles of Awesome Tag game - and
shishmish nagged me until I agreed to write it!
Martha shivered as the icy air bit through her shirt. She was more than a little annoyed that an overgrown wasp had trashed her favourite leather jacket. She wrapped her arms around herself as she watched the Doctor talking to the young man in whose back garden they now stood, the giant wasp cornered in his oak tree. Donna was standing further back from the tree, one hand shading her eyes from the winter sun that was low enough to get in everyone's eyes: she was making sure the wasp didn't leave.
The Doctor clapped the young man on the shoulder just before he scurried off, then turned to Martha.
"Here," he said, pulling off his coat. She raised an eyebrow at him, well aware of how much he loved his coat. "You feel the cold more than I do," he observed, "and I can't have my Doctor falling sick, can I?"
"No." Martha wished her teeth weren't chattering.
He helped her to put his coat on, moving in front to do up the buttons whilst she struggled to fold the sleeves back from her hands. He abandoned the buttons to help her. "C'mere," he said softly and deftly folded the sleeves back for her.
The Doctor wrapped his arms around her, sliding them inside his coat as he pulled her closer. "I'd forgotten what a wee thing you are," he observed. "In my head, you're much taller."
She tilted her head back to look up into his face. "In your head?"
He nodded. "Whenever I thought of you, when I saw you in my mind's eye, you're always taller." He had a thoughtful look in his eye. "I think it's the way you stood up to the Master, and then to me - somehow that made you seem bigger." He tightened his arms around her and she reciprocated, her hands splayed across the back of his blue suit, remembering how she'd held him like this when they'd parted four months ago.
"I have missed you, Martha Jones, my mighty little warrior woman."
She tried not to scoff. "You've had Donna," she said. She and the redhead were still getting to know each other, but the older woman was clearly the sort of person who could fill the TARDIS with her presence.
The Doctor looked down into her upturned face. "I have, but she's not you. Don't get me wrong - she's quite amazing. But I've missed my Doctor." He kissed her forehead, then pulled away somewhat reluctantly as Mark returned with the items the Doctor had requested.
She rapidly buttoned up the Doctor's coat and hoped she wouldn't need to run for her life whilst wearing it. At least she was warmer now - and her brief conversation with the Doctor had left her glowing inside.