First Night

Dec 28, 2007 16:38

Title: First Night
Author: Persiflage_1
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Martha
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: None
Summary: Martha and the Doctor's first night stuck in 1969.
Disclaimer: The BBC owns "Doctor Who" and the Doctor owns me…
Author Notes: This is for nonelvis who offered this prompt for the lifeonmartha 1000 Drabbles of Awesome Tag game. It started out as a Not-Drabble and then grew and grew !! You could see it as a prequel to my Blink Missing Scene Drabble.


"Oh god!" Martha exclaimed, clutching her stomach with one hand and her head with the other.

"Are you OK?" asked the Doctor, wincing as he straightened up.

"I think so."

"Time travel without a capsule - it's not recommended," he said as he stepped over to where she leant against the alley wall. He slid an arm around her. "Sure you're OK?" He pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"Yeah, just feeling a bit giddy." She wrapped her arms around him, taking comfort in his solidity, and he hugged her back.

"OK, let's see where we are - and then we can sort out some accommodation." The Doctor slid his hand into Martha's and they set off towards the sound of traffic.

Once they reached the main road, they stood for a few moments, scanning their surroundings until Martha spotted what they were looking for. "Over there," she said, pointing with the hand that was still clasped in the Doctor's.

He looked along their arms and saw the sign for the pawnbroker's shop. "Well spotted Mrs Smith."

She looked up in surprise. "Mrs Smith?" she asked quietly.

He nodded. "Is that OK? It'll be easier to find a flat if we say we're married."

She grinned. "OK."

"Good." He fished in his pocket and pulled out a gold ring. "This is actually a bio-damper - it disguises the bio-signature of the wearer, but since it looks like a wedding ring, it will serve our purpose." He caught hold of her left hand and raised it to slide the ring onto her finger, then turned it over and kissed the palm. "Mrs Smith." He grinned mischievously at her.

"You're enjoying this," she asserted.

"You're not?" he asked anxiously.

"I'm sure I will." She tugged on his arm and they crossed the street to the pawnbroker's shop.

There was a jewellery shop two doors along and the Doctor suggested that Martha have a look around in there whilst he got them some ready cash. After they'd read Sally Sparrow's helpful folder of information, the Doctor had deliberately filled his coat pockets with a number of items it would be easy to pawn in order to ensure they'd have some funds during their stay in 1969.

"I'll see you in a bit," he told Martha, pausing on the pavement long enough to drop a quick kiss on her lips.

"You're taking this husband thing very seriously, I see," she teased. He gave her a stern look, which just made her giggle as she moved away. "See you later."

Twenty minutes later, the Doctor found Martha in conversation with the young assistant in the jewellery shop. He stepped up behind her, sliding a hand down her back, as he greeted her. She turned and smiled up at him, looking rather pleased.

"OK?" he asked.

"Yes. Mary was just telling me they're rather short-handed at the moment - her friend Anna slipped over on some black ice last week - she broke her elbow and twisted her knee."


"Exactly. Anyway, I was just saying that I was looking for some temporary work whilst we're in town. What do you think?"

The Doctor raised an eyebrow. "If that's what you want. But you won't need to work."

She nodded. "I know, but you know me, I'm not really one for sitting around twiddling my thumbs, and you'll be busy with your project."

"That's true." He tugged at his ear. "Well I'm not one to stand in anyone's way."

Martha turned back to the young woman. "Will your boss want to interview me?"

Mary nodded. "Probably, but I'm sure it'll be a fairly informal thing. We're getting busier, with Easter and weddings coming up. Why don't you come back at nine thirty tomorrow and meet her?"

"OK." Martha reached across the counter and shook hands, waited for the Doctor to shake hands, then slid her arm through his as she led him outside.

"And there I was thinking you'd like to have a sort of holiday whilst we were here," he commented to her.

"Like I said, I don't like sitting about doing nothing. A couple of days would be fine, but then I'd be bored silly."

He shook his head, but he was smiling. "Come on then, let's find somewhere to live."

"Mary told me there are a couple of flats going in the block where she lives." She pulled a piece of paper from her pocket. "She gave me the address and directions."

The Doctor grinned down at her. "That's one of the things I love about you, Mrs Smith, you're very resourceful."

"One of the things?" Martha asked.

"I'll tell you about some of the others later," he answered, his grin broadening.

They found the block of flats easily, thanks to Mary's directions, and the landlady seemed quite happy to rent them a fully furnished flat for a maximum of three months. Martha was quite relieved at how easily everything was going; after her experiences in 1913, she'd expected it to be more traumatic.

"Right, we'd better go out and get some food, changes of clothes and what-not," the Doctor commented.

Martha nodded agreement and they set out to the nearest shopping area. It seemed slightly odd not to find chain stores, but Martha didn't mind. They had fun exploring the local butcher, greengrocer, chemist and bookshop: although Martha had to drag the Doctor out of that one otherwise they'd be going home with a lot less money and rather heavier bags. Then they found a couple of clothes shops and agreed to split up to get what they wanted.

A couple of hours later they made their way back to their flat laden with bags. They unpacked and Martha suggested a cup of tea.

"That would be nice," the Doctor said, "but - "

"But what?" asked Martha.

"I think we should check out the bed, don't you?" He gave her a wicked grin.

"You're completely incorrigible," she told him.

"Yeah, but you love me anyway," he asserted confidently.

"True." She giggled as he picked her up and carried her into the bedroom.

"Too late to carry you over the threshold," he commented. "So this'll have to do." He dropped her onto the bed, then joined her. He began tickling her and she yelped and tried to pull away. A brief wrestling match ensued, which left them both breathless with laughter and flushed with desire. The Doctor immediately set about undressing them both between frantic kisses and after about ten minutes they were lying naked.

"I want to consummate our marriage," he said.

"Thought you might."

He grinned at her, then pulled her closer, rolling onto his back so that she was lying on top of him, his erection trapped between their bodies. "Mrs Smith, you're a lovely woman and I'm delighted to have you with me."

She bent her head to whisper in his ear. "I'm delighted to be here. Now fuck me please." She knelt up and he immediately shifted so that he could slide into her, causing her to moan slightly. She lay back down on top of the Doctor and he held her hips as he began a slow, steady rhythm, whilst she sucked, bit and nibbled at his nipples.

After a while, the Doctor rolled them over so that he was on top and he began a faster, harder rhythm which pushed Martha to a shuddering climax. She wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him deeper and he moaned, picking up his pace again.

She knew that he wasn't far from coming and she began to whisper encouragement in his ear. "Come for me, Doctor. I want you to come for me."

He moaned again as she nibbled on his earlobe, then trembled as he reached his climax. Afterwards Martha pulled his head down to rest on her shoulder, stroking gentle hands across his back and shoulders.

"OK?" she asked after he'd caught his breath.

"Yes," he sighed as he rolled over onto his side, pulling Martha with him to snuggle against him. He kissed her softly, watching as her eyes drifted shut. "Are you going to sleep on me Mrs Smith?" he teased.

"Mmm." She opened one eye. "Do you mind?"

"No, sleep if you want to."

He allowed himself a couple of hours sleep, then pulled on some pyjamas and went out to the kitchen where he began cooking. He had just finished when Martha padded in wearing a bath robe.

"Hello! Feeling better?" he asked, dipping his head to kiss her quickly before he began dishing up the homemade soup.

"Yes thanks." She looked around the kitchen. "You've been busy."

"Thought you might be hungry," he answered.

"I am rather." She took a seat at the kitchen table as the Doctor added a plate of sliced fresh bread and two glasses of fruit juice. "You know, I'm very glad I married you, Mr Smith."

He grinned at her. "Thank you Mrs Smith. I'm rather glad I married you too." He nodded at the food. "Eat up."

As they ate they talked about what parts the Doctor might need for his Timey-Wimey device and where he might find them. They washed up, then the Doctor wrapped his arms around Martha, sliding them inside her bathrobe so that he could touch her bare skin. "What do you want to do now?"

"I'd like a bath."

"Hmm. Is that bath big enough for two, do you reckon?"

Martha raised an eyebrow at him. "Kinky," she commented.

He raised an eyebrow back. "Have you never had a bath or a shower with a lover?" She shook her head. "Oh, you're missing out! Come on." He let go of her, then grabbed her hand and led her to the bathroom.

Fifteen minutes later they were in the bath together and Martha was beginning to see the attraction of sharing such an activity.

"We should have done this before, when we had the TARDIS," she observed as she rocked against the Doctor.

"You're right," he gasped as her muscles tightened around him. "When we get her back, we'll do it - by way of celebration."

Martha shuddered as her climax washed through her. "I look forward to it," she answered once she got her breath back.

Eventually they relocated from the bathroom to the bedroom and Martha cuddled up to the Doctor, her head just below his throat and an arm across his chest. "That was very nice."

"Yes it was," he answered. "We'll definitely have to do it again." He began stroking random patterns across her back.

Within minutes they had both drifted into a satisfied sleep.

fic genre: 1969 fic, fic genre: pr0n, fic genre: 1000 drabbles, character pairing: ten/martha, fic

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