Teh Big Finish Meme of Lurve - Day Fifteen...

Jul 13, 2010 20:41

Who_Daily Link: < a href="http://persiflage-1.livejournal.com/385865.html">The Big Finish Meme of Lurve - Day Fifteen by < lj user=persiflage_1>

Quote spam alert!!

Day 15 - Your Favourite Quote(s)

Warning, there's LOADS of Eighth Doctor quotage here as I've been re-listening to a lot of them lately!

Sword of Orion

Eight: Good old logic. The last refuge of a cybernetic scoundrel.


Vansell: Madame President. May the star of Rassilon guide you, his wisdom inform you, and his Sash be your protection in the vastness of your duty.
Romana: Yes, yes, yes, can we just dispense with the pomp?

Charley: You never know, it might be something important.
Eight: Important? The Time Lords? Ewww. It's bound to be something really dreary. We, the dull men in big collars, have convened an enquiry into the matter of your involvement in the recent Nimon assault on planet Earth and expect you to submit evidence of your actions in detail so stultifyingly unnecessary it will make your head bleed.

Charley: You know who you remind me of? You're Peter Pan. The little boy who never grew up. Who lived in Never Never Land and fought with pirates and pixes. Nana used to read me Peter Pan. I wanted to be Wendy. And now I am. Wendy Darling having adventures in fairy land with the boy who never grew old. But you see Wendy grew up in the end, that's what so sad. And poor Peter, poor little Peter left all on his own.
Eight: He didn't forget, Charley. He'd-he'd never forget. And he never left Wendy to face the crocodiles alone.
Charley: You're so sweet, so kind so caring. You're too good to be true, like a dream. And all this is just a dream. These adventures we've had, these scrapes and japes in Neverland. With monsters and ray guns and magic. Oh they've been wonderful, better than my wildest dreams. But you can't hide in dreams. Everyone wakes up in the end. It's time to stop dreaming Doctor, time to grow up.
Eight: Charley I don't know what. I-I-I won't give up Charley. Not now, not after all this time. Please Charley, let me help you. Let me face this for you. Whatever it takes I'll put it right and-

Vansell: Doctor, tell us how you first escaped the Time Torpedoes.
Eight: Ah, well, you know... Improvisation, genius, a well-turned trouser, rapier wit.
Romana (in a warning, slightly long-suffering tone): Doctor

Romana: Do you have a point, Doctor, or are you simply baiting my Coordinator again?

Romana: The Doctor is full of surprises, Vansell. But his one abiding characteristic, whichever body he wears, whatever gibberish he speaks, however erractically he acts, is his unerring sense for what is right.

Eight: Now come on, you have to meet Romana. Romana, this is Charley, one of my best ever friends. Charley, this is Romana, one of my best friends ever.


Brig: Good to see you again, Miss Pollard. Welcome to your insanity.

Charley: He's dead, you're dead, I'm dead, we're all dead! Round here being dead is as common as catching a chill.

Eight: So what have you got squirrelled away in this one, hmm? The Hairdryer of Rassilon? The Hoover of Rassilon? The Rassilon Patent Trouser Press? These creases last forever.

Rassilon: A matter of scale. One doesn't make history in a shed at the bottom of the garden. [Oh yeah?!]

Charley: You can't take him [the Doctor] to parties, it's name-drop hell! [mimicking Eight] Rasputin, you say? I knew THE Rasputin. The Tsarina too, played her at tiddlywinks, don't you know? It's so hideously embarrassing. People think he's escaped from somewhere.

Romana: That has to be the biggest load of old rubbish I've ever heard in all my lives!
Charley and Brig: Exactly!
Leela: I don't see what's surprising. You all talk nonsense all the time!
Eight: Absolute balderdash, Leela, and you wouldn't have it any other way!

The Company of Friend's - Benny's Story

Benny: So, uh, what's your plan?
Eight: It's been years since I've seen one of those. Sorry?
Benny: Your brilliant plan. You know who Venhella really is, and what she wants, and you're here to stop her.
Eight: Venhella? Why would I need a plan? Do I need a plan? Hmm, I'd better think of one.
Benny: You're the Doctor! You always arrive with a plan!
Eight: Do I?

Benny: What if she's after the ship, not you?
Eight: Good luck to her with that. It'll take more than a few mining robots to get past the old girl's defences.
Benny: Well, to be fair, Venhella *does* have the key...

Eight: We're safe.
Benny: Hundreds of years old, and he's never learned about tempting fate.

Benny: I can never remember, with lions do you stand your ground and look fierce, or roll over and play dead?

Eight: All right?
Benny: I'm dripping wet, apart from that, I'm fine.
Eight: The lion didn't follow us down.
Benny: Sensible lion. Look, I need to wring out my clothes and empty out my boots.
Eight: At least it's a warm day - soon get everything dry in this sun.
Benny: Huh, your clothes are already dry. They're made of special, magic space fabric, of course.
Eight: I'll get you the address of my tailor.

Eight: I can't even lose a key without it turning into an epic adventure.

Eight: Don't do anything to provoke it [the lion], Benny.
Benny: Really? I was planning to provoke it, that's what's needed, I thought, a bit of lion provocation.

Benny: I've got a question too - why aren't we running very fast in the other direction?


Peri: Noah Webster?
Six: Hrmph! That pestilent scribbler? The vandalism HE wrought... Huh! Where should I begin?!

Human Resources:

Lucie: No kidding.
Eight: Why do you *always* resort to sarcasm?
Lucie: It's my super power. I am Sarcasmo, woman of sarcasm. My enemies are struck down by my barbs of steel.
Eight: Your what?
Lucie: Barbs. Barbed comments. (chuckles)

Lucie: What are you doing?
Eight: Shredding.
Lucie: Shredding what?
Eight: Whatever I can find.
Lucie: Why?
Eight: I'm hoping it might annoy somebody. You can find out a lot by being annoying.

Halbert: Lucie Miller! You've been engaged to sabotage my operation, haven't you?
Lucie: No, I'm doing it for fun.

Eight: Dear, oh dear, oh dear.
Lucie: Do you know what it is?
Eight: Yes. This is a Quantum Crystaliser.
Headhunter (laughs disbelivingly): Is it? Really?
Lucie: As a rule of thumb, Doctor, if it's not something that you can get from the Argos catalogue, then you have to explain it to me.

Blood of the Daleks:

Eight (in Dalek voice): We have come to help. Fish and chips for all.

Skull of Sobek:

Lucie: How good are you at knots? Come on, help me get the sheets off the bed. No point sitting here, and a locked door's about as tough as a jelly umbrella if they leave the window open.

Grand Theft Cosmos:

Eight: We can't land in the TARDIS and start poking around, we'll attract attention.
Lucie: Yeah, that ship of yours does make a racket.
Eight: Well I'm sorry, but there's no way to make the rending of the Space-Time continuum any quieter.

Eight: It's quite possible to be a morally sound thief. Look at Robin Hood.
Lucie: You're gonna tell me you were at his wedding now, aren't you?
Eight: Don't be silly, Robin wasn't the Marian kind. [*loud groans*]

Day 01 - Your Favourite Main Range Story/ies
Day 02 - Your Favourite Spin-off Range/Story/ies
Day 03 - Your Favourite Companion Chronicle(s)
Day 04 - Your Favourite Doctor(s)
Day 05 - Your Favourite Companion(s)
Day 06 - Your Favourite Story Arc(s)
Day 07 - Your Favourite Villain(s)
Day 08 - Your Favourite Alien(s)
Day 09 - Your Favourite Big Finish-Related Fanfic(s)
Day 10 - The Big Finish Scene That Made You Laugh or Cry the Most
Day 11 - The Big Finish Character Who Is Most Like You
Day 12 - Your Favourite Big Finish TARDIS Team(s)
Day 13 - Your Favourite Big Finish Actor(s)
Day 14 - Your Favourite Big Finish Actress(es)
Day 15 - Your Favourite Quote(s)

character: romana, character: charley pollard, character: lucie miller, quotes, meme: 15 days of big finish love, character: eighth doctor, character: benny summerfield, big finish audio love

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