SJA: The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith (1 & 2) - Reaction Post & Picspam

Oct 31, 2009 06:33

Sonic Lipstick Link: < a href="">SJA: The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith Reaction Post by < lj user=persiflage_1>

This episode was such joyous fun that I couldn't resist going a little screencap crazy this week, so herewith a mini-picspam in addition to my thoughts.

- Sarah Jane has been out to five alleged meetings in a month and the kids are suspicious. This doesn't bode well!
- K9 scolds Mr Smith when he objects to the children using Mr S to track Sarah Jane. Oh boy! The level of snark this two can/will achieve!

- After Clyde tells K9 and Mr Smith to play nicely, Mr Smith tells K9 to hush.

- Clyde's objection to SJ kissing her man in public is hilarious - especially since Daniel Anthony is 22! No more kissing for him, then!

- Ooh! TARDIS engines as the teenagers are watching SJ. Only Rani seems to notice at this point. (Boy, the engines sound laboured. Is the TARDIS being prevented from materialising?)

- Mr Smith AND K9 give away the fact that the teenagers have been following SJ. Bad form!

- SJ tells Luke she didn't think a relationship would work because of her lifestyle and the secrets she keeps, and because she'd been on her own for so long before Luke entered her life.

- The TARDIS engines again - this time Luke hears them.

- Before meeting Peter for the first time, Luke asks K9 for his advice on how to address Peter. That's sweet - but hopeless!

- I laughed at Clyde, Rani and Gita stickybeaking at Peter.

- Nice save on Rani's part, taking that weird parcel from SJ!

- Uh-oh! K9's detected an alien presence in the street. He has a stair negotiation mode?! He's been upgraded, then, if he can now hover up and down stairs!

- Hee! That alien from Polongus is kinda cute (reminds me of the aliens in 'The Mark of the Berserker' last year).

- Clyde's very protective of SJ - even more so than Luke, it seems. It's interesting that Rani thinks he just doesn't want things to change, whereas he says he wants her to stay happy, and he just doesn't trust Peter. Clearly his Spidey sense is tingling!

- Peter's asking SJ to marry him already? Blimey! He moves fast. What's he up to?

- Luke's more annoyed with Clyde and Rani than SJ herself when they admit the've been to Peter's house.

- Clyde says the wedding is too soon (merely a week later) - got to agree with him! Why isn't anyone listening to him?

- Ooh! Mr Smith's detected SJ's ring is anomalous! But she's shutting him down? This is going to end badly!

- Clyde's wearing a brown pinstriped suit and trainers! THIS IS A HINT, YES?!

- So, Maria's taking her exams, Clyde's mum's at another wedding, and the Brig's back in Peru again. Where's Peter's family, though?

- Ouch! Luke's comments about Clyde's dad must hurt.

- Oh dear! Haresh took Gita to Brussels for their honeymoon - she hated it, but he didn't.

- Wow, Rani! That is a PINK dress!! o_O

- Sarah Jane looks lovely though! SJ says where should she have sent the Doctor's invitation - Metebelis 3? Squee for Classic Who reference!

- And there's the sound of the TARDIS engines again.

- Clyde brought K9 to the wedding? Awesome!!

- YES! The TARDIS has landed! Here's Ten, yelling at them to stop the wedding!

- Ooh, that's a creepy effect when the Trickster manifests himself. And he's in WHITE?!

- Aw, poor Luke's a bit panicky when he wakes up, but there's the Doctor, full of reassurances.

- How does Ten know Clyde's and Rani's names? (I spot a plot bunny!)

- The Doctor calls Luke 'Lukey-boy'!

- The Doctor asks the teenagers if they know about the TARDIS. I'm surprised Clyde doesn't respond with 'Well Duh!'!

- Yikes! A temporal schism is preventing the TARDIS from materialising.

- The Doctor: 'Any friend of Sarah Jane's is a friend of mine.' Aw...

- Luke notices they're stuck in a one second time loop at 15:23:23.

- Sarah Jane's remembered seeing the Doctor, and now she's not so willing to say 'I do.' Guess HER Spidey sense is tingling!

- Aha! SJ's realised the engagement ring is involved.

- The Trickster is a being from beyong the Universe - and belongs to the Pantheon of Discord. (Clyde: 'Cool name for a band.' LOL - and Ten agrees!)

- Rani: 'Sarah Jane. She doesn't like being called Sarah.'
Ten: She does by me! YES!!

- Sarah Jane's realised they're caught in a Time Trap.

- The Doctor hears SJ calling his name!

- Sarah Jane's comment about the one time she falls in love it turns out to be a trap makes me sad.

- So the Trickster offered Peter 'life and true love' if he agrees to the Trickster's bargain. I didn't believe that Peter was possessed - someone suggested that to me after seeing part 1, but that's not how the Trickster works.

- Clyde: 'A spatial loop mixed up with a temporal loop.'
Rani: 'How do you know?'
Clyde: 'Well, we've been doing this a while, I've been taking notes.' LOL Clyde's a bigger geek than he admits to being!

- The Trickster says he wants SJ to be happy. Why do I NOT believe him?!

- Blimey, SJ and everyone else will all remain stuck in limbo unless she says 'I do'.

- Ten to the Trickster: 'You look better in black. Or is white the new black?'

- Ooh! Ten's mocking the Trickster for being on his own. Wait for it...

- Yes, here we are - obligatory emo!Ten moment - the Trickster's going on about the Doctor losing everyone. Key to Time reference FTW!

- SJ says temptation is the Trickster's greatest weapon. Well, she'd know!

- Oh wow! Clyde's now embued with Artron Energy, and he's going to challenge the Trickster? He IS the Doctor today, isn't he - the suit & trainers were a foreshadowing!

- Hells bells! Is Clyde going to survive this?! Oh wait, this is a children's show. They won't kill off Clyde!

- The Doctor tells SJ that she knows how to defeat the Trickster, having defeated him before. But how does HE know that? There doesn't seem to have been an off-screen meeting between Ten and SJ since 'Journey's End'... My plot bunny just got more aggressive!

- The Doctor tells Peter that he knows he's a good man. This is going to end in tears!

- Sarah Jane tells Peter that he *did* die in his accident.

- Sarah Jane's cradling Clyde in her lap. *is envious*

- Peter tells the Trickster that SJ gave him his strength. Nice one!

- The wedding's off. Meep!

- Oh good, here's the Doctor again. He's not just legging it.

- Rani: 'Can we have a look?'
Ten: 'What in the TARDIS? MY TARDIS? Course you can!' LOL! And the teenagers are all full of wonder and amazement.

- Sarah Jane: 'You came all that way, just for me?'
Ten: 'You're important, not just to me.' - Ooh!

- *giggles* The teenagers want to take a trip in the TARDIS, and Ten's face when SJ reminds Clyde that he's grounded by the Judoon. He clearly doesn't know *everything* that's been going on with them, then!

- Clyde does a Doctor-ish salute as he leaves the TARDIS. (You know what? I want Daniel Anthony for Twelve! He'd be brilliant! It won't happen, obviously, but it should!)

- Sarah Jane asks the Doctor if this is the last time she'll see him. Oh we MUST have a bit more emo!angst about Ten's ending, mustn't we? Why the hell would she even ASK that? SHE doesn't know Ten's not far from regeneration - even TEN doesn't know that! *smacks Production Team upside the head.* Leave it alone, already!

And here's the picspam!

Sarah Jane's ready for her date.

Clyde really likes K9!

The teenagers spot SJ's car.

Blimey! Something with eyes on stalks is inside this parcel!

Lots of eyes on stalks! Looks like a slug!

Eep! Where's it off to?!

Clyde's in a brown pinstriped suit and trainers. Mini-Doctor is here!

Sarah Jane looks lovely.

Ten: Stop the wedding!! (He wants her for himself, really!)

The Trickster doesn't look any less scary in white rather than black!

Ten's not a happy Time Lord!

I tell you, if I'd just been knocked unconscious, this is definitely a face I wouldn't mind seeing when I woke up again!

The Doctor's happy to see K9 again.

Geek glasses FTW!

Clyde, embued with Artron energy, challenges the Trickster. Yikes!

I'm jealous of Clyde at this point! *blushes*

Don't worry, Sarah Jane, Clyde's not dead yet!

Clyde gives the Doctor a salute as he leaves the TARDIS. (I really wish we could have The Adventures of Clyde and Ten in Time and Space, you know?)

Anyone else reminded of Ten and Martha's parting in 'The Last of the Time Lords'? It's almost exactly the same pose (and it IS the same suit!)

tv: sarah jane adventures, picspam, reaction post, character: tenth doctor, sja: the wedding of sarah jane smith

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