SJA: The Madwoman in the Attic (Part 1 & 2) Reaction Post

Oct 24, 2009 10:57

Sonic Lipstick Link: < a href="">SJA: The Madwoman in the Attic Reaction Post by < lj user=persiflage_1>

- The story opens 50 years into the future, and we discover that Rani is an old woman who's alone now. She's rather sarcastic to Adam, the teenage boy, who's come to see her.

- Rani describes Sarah Jane as mysterious and moody, and says it's not a good idea to get on her wrong side.

- Older!Rani mentions Daleks and Cybermen, and we get flashbacks to the aliens she's met since she arrived in S2.

- Maria's been helping the American Govt to hide aliens? With UNIT's US branch perhaps?

- I can understand Rani's reaction here. We all have off days, and even adults can feel sudden, random jealousy when we perceive others as ignoring us.

- I laughed at Rani's 'Who needs a Sonic Lipstick?' line.

- Clyde says he's left a book at Rani's - and seems surprised that Luke knows it's a lie that Clyde will tell in order to go into Rani's room.

- SJ's reaction to hearing that Rani's friend, Sam, is in care - that strikes a chord with her.

- Meep! Older!Rani tells Sam that Mr Smith died years ago. :(

- Clyde says to SJ: 'Come on, Miss Smith, we still need you.' Clyde's growing quite sensitive.

- LOL except when he's not:

Clyde: Are you sure you know where we're going?
SJ: Oh! I should've brought Luke! He moans less than you!
Clyde: But I can run faster though.
SJ: Hey! I was holding back so you could keep up!
Clyde (laughing disbelievingly): Yeah, right, yeah, yeah. (He touches SJ's elbow) Hey, Rani's going to be okay.
SJ: Easy to say. And if she isn't? I brought you all into this.
Clyde: Like you had a choice!
SJ: What?
Clyde: Well, we chose you, you didn't choose us.
SJ: No, I don't think so.
Clyde: Well, you are getting old, you know, Your memory's going.
SJ (looks shocked): Oh!
Clyde pretends to look worried about her reaction, then grins cheekily.
SJ: C'mon. (She offers him her hand, and he just looks at it.) Oh? You're not going to take an old lady's hand? (Clyde shakes his head.) I might fall over.
Clyde: It's all right, I've got my mobile phone so I can call the ambulance (he runs his hand down her arm) if your hip goes. (He gives a giggle then runs off, and SJ follows him, clearly not offended.)

- Eve mentions the Time War, and how her people were exterminated because they can read others' Time Lines.

- More Clyde/SJS banter regarding the gate into the Theme Park:
Clyde: I could have climbed over.
SJ: My way is more stylish.

- I like the sneaky way Clyde thinks, pretending to Harry, the Fairground caretaker (played by Mr Lis Sladen, aka Brian Miller), that Rani's thick so that Harry will betray that he's seen her.

- Eve seems very manipulative.

- SJ's vision of her past includes the Third and Fourth Doctors, K9, and Journey's End, and then she has a flash forward to the Doctor's return.

- Luke sees himself graduating.

- Clyde practically turns into his mother when he and SJ encounter Rani again. Which is really sweet and shows that, despite all his jokiness and one-liners, he does care a lot about his friends.

- SJ tells Rani that she has no idea what she's dealing with (ignoring the fact that SJ herself has no idea either!), and Rani, unsurprisingly, storms off.

- Harry's looking after Eve until her crashed ship's finished rebooting and is back to 100% power. The Ship reminds me of the Ship in Shada.

- Clyde sounds delighted that K9 is coming home.

- Mr Smith's sarcastic 'Oh good' when K9 confirms he'll be staying. *sniggers* Mr Smith is jealous of the tindog!

- Sam and Harry are going with Eve in the Ship - that's actually really sweet. Nice to see SJA's not opposed to older people travelling in space! (*Hits RTD over the head with Mr Copper's non-existent walking frame*)

- Oh no! The Ship's granted Rani's petulant wish that SJS, Clyde and Luke leave her alone!!

- Aha! I did wonder if Adam was more than he appeared! He's Eve and Sam's son (Oooh kinky! Alien/human lovin' on SJA! Nice one, Mr Lidster!)

- Thank goodness the Ship realised that it had misunderstood about Rani's wish. It's NICE to see a non-malevolent alien in the Whoniverse, especially since the red-face/demon-y aspect of both Eve and the Ship's interface make them look evil.

- SJ tells Rani that she's spent so long alone she finds it hard, still, to trust people. I think that's probably very true.

- K9: Cheese? Fermented curds! LOL

- Ooh! A flashfoward to Rani when she's a grandmother and mother. She and Luke have been to the US to catch up with Maria in Washington. I *like* that! I do believe Rani's earlier reaction regarding Maria was just a blip - they clearly liked each other when they 'met' online in 'Mark of the Berserker' last year. But, as I said, we ALL have off days and over-react. And SJ *was* pretty dismissive about the BT Tower.

- Next time trailer! Eeeeeeeeeeee!! Please note, rabid Rosefen, Ten NEVER cried Rose's name so despairingly!

Ten: Noes! You shall not marry MY Sarah!

I've got a favour to ask - if any icon makers are reading this, any chance you could turn any/all of these screencaps into icons for me, please?

tv: sarah jane adventures, reaction post, sja: madwoman in the attic, writer: joseph lidster

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