30 Days with Martha Jones: Too Much

Nov 14, 2008 17:33

Who_Daily Link: < a href="http://persiflage-1.livejournal.com/188418.html">30 Days with Martha Jones: Too Much by < lj user=persiflage_1> (Characters: Martha Jones, Liz Shaw | Rating: G | Spoilers: Classic Who Season 7, New Who Season 3)

Title: 30 Days with Martha Jones: Too Much
Author: Persiflage_1
Characters/Pairings: Martha Jones, Liz Shaw
Rating: G
Spoilers: Classic Who Season 7, New Who Season 3
Summary: 30 Days in the life of Martha Jones
Disclaimer: I occasionally wish that I did own it!
Author Notes: I signed up to do mini_nanowrimo this year, and snagged 30 random prompts from doctorwho_100 which will form the basis of the 30 fics I write. Each fic will feature Martha and at least one other Whoniverse character, and the prompt will be included in the title of the fic.

Index Post

This fic follows directly on from 30 Days with Martha Jones: Smell.


Evelyn opened the door, then stepped back to allow her friend to enter and Martha rose from her chair, feeling suddenly nervous because she recognised Evelyn's friend from her year walking the Earth to stop the Master.

Liz Shaw had been one of her main contacts with UNIT in England: she'd actually been the one responsible for coming up with the idea of the fake gun to kill the Master, although someone else had built it after the Toclafane had killed Liz, just as they'd killed so many of the Doctor's other former companions. During that year, Martha had not met all the men and women who knew the Time Lord, but she had heard about them all from various contacts as she'd travelled the world.

But Liz had no recollection of that, and Martha didn't want to tell her; it was bad enough that she had those memories herself, without upsetting people who had no recollection of what they had endured during that year.

"Hello Evelyn, I didn't know you were having other visitors today," said the red haired woman as she and Evelyn exchanged pecks on the cheek.

"Neither did I," chuckled Evelyn. "Liz, this is Dr Martha Jones, who works for UNIT, Martha, this is Dr Liz Shaw, who also worked for UNIT when she was in her 20s."

"How do you do?" Martha said, offering a hand. She noticed that Liz was just as poised as she had been during that year. Despite the similarity of their ages, Evelyn seemed more homely and friendly, reminding Martha a bit of some of the older women she'd known when she was stuck in 1969. But Dr Shaw seemed cool and collected as she subjected Martha to the sort of scrutiny that she occasionally got from older UNIT officers who couldn't quite believe how much responsibility she had at her comparatively young age.

"How do you do." Liz smiled, and Martha summoned a smile of her own while wishing she had done a better job of concentrating before she'd left London. She was nervous about saying something that would reveal that she'd met Liz before.

As she took a seat next to Evelyn and accepted the cup of tea she offered, Liz addressed the younger woman. "So, Martha, what brings you to Cambridge today?"

"A lucky accident," she answered, glad of the safe topic of conversation. "I'm working on developing some teleport technology for UNIT, and I was distracted when I set out and didn't arrive where I'd planned." She shook her head. "Fortunately, Evelyn was kind enough to take my rather rude and random intrusion into her life in a friendly manner."

Liz smiled. "Evelyn does have a habit of befriending people. I should know."

"Former companions of the Doctor should stick together, don't you think?" asked Evelyn placidly.

"Definitely," Martha agreed quickly.

Liz started asking after various UNIT people with whom she'd once worked, and Martha answered her questions as best she could, then they talked about the Doctor. When the younger woman revealed she'd recently met the third incarnation of the Time Lord, together with his assistant Jo, she noticed that Liz got a wistful look in her eye, and she couldn't help wondering if Liz had been as fond of him as Martha was of the tenth. The way the older woman had spoken of the Doctor during their few brief conversations during that year of the Master's rule had made Martha suspect the scientist had, on some level, regretted going back to Cambridge after the Inferno project.

"It just got too much," Liz said, sounding slightly defensive to Martha's ears. "And I couldn't help feeling that all he really needed was someone to pass him his test tubes and tell him how brilliant he was, and anyone could have done that. Plus, I had my own research that I'd been dragged away from and wanted to get back to doing."

She looked up at Martha from the fake gun designs that she was working on. "Whatever you do, Martha, don't let him make you forget what your priorities are, because no matter how exciting life with him is, it won't last forever."

Martha gave her a wry smile. "I know."

Before the young doctor could get too caught up in her memories of that year, Evelyn was offering her more tea, and she realised that she ought to be getting back to London.

"Thank you, but time's marching on, as it always does, and I ought to get back to HQ." She stood up and pulled the Indigo device back on. "Thank you for the tea, and the lovely cake, and for your company too."

"You're welcome," Evelyn answered, getting up.

Both women hugged her and made her promise to keep in touch, and to visit them again, albeit in a more conventional manner, and Martha laughingly agreed. Then she offered them a salute before teleporting herself away again, a clear mental picture of her lab at UNIT in her head.

series: 30 days with martha jones, character: dr liz shaw, fic: post s4, character: martha jones, mini-nanowrimo

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