Crime and Punishment

Nov 13, 2008 07:21

Who_Daily Link: < a href="">Crime and Punishment by < lj user=persiflage_1> (Characters: Martha Jones/Alan Jackson | Rating: NC-17 | Spoilers: SJA S2.08)

Title: Crime and Punishment
Author: Persiflage_1
Characters/Pairings: Martha Jones/Alan Jackson
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: SJA S2.08
Summary: Martha discovers Alan's hacked into UNIT.
Disclaimer: I occasionally wish that I did own it!
Author Notes: I wrote this tag fic for the kinkmeme sizeofthatthing.
Beta: fourzoas


Monday morning: Jackson household, Washington DC

Alan Jackson stepped out of the shower and dried himself off, then pulled on a thick bathrobe. He and Maria had only been in the US for a few weeks and he was still getting used to how much more luxurious their lives were compared to life in Ealing. However some things apparently had changed very little, like helping Maria and her friends to deal with aliens. One of the reasons he'd been glad to accept this new job was that he'd wanted to take Maria away from that danger. Not that he didn't like Sarah Jane - in fact, once he'd learned about 'life in the attic', he and Sarah Jane had grown closer - but his desire to protect Maria outweighed his desire to get to know the enigmatic Ms Smith better.

He'd kept his disappointment at speaking only briefly to Sarah Jane on Saturday to himself; it was only natural that she hadn't wanted to spend time on idle chitchat when her son and his friends were in mortal danger. Her parting promise to thank him 'properly' for his assistance had been intriguing, however, and he'd spent far too much time over the weekend in daydreaming about what that cryptic remark might have meant.

Sunday afternoon: a Manhattan apartment

Martha had woken at midnight after flying in from England the day before. She felt a bit groggy, but forced herself out of bed and into the shower before she made herself some very strong coffee and ate a couple of bagels for what her body persisted in thinking of as dinner, but the clock insisted was a midnight snack. International travel was, she decided, rather more confusing and disorienting than time travel had ever been, but she supposed she would get used to it if she continued working on Project Indigo.

She turned on her laptop to check her emails and was pleased to see one from Sarah Jane waiting for her; she and the older woman had quickly become friends after the business with Davros and the Daleks, and although they couldn't meet up often because of Martha's frequent trips to the US, they exchanged regular emails and chatted online.

The email from Sarah Jane was a request to chat live once Martha was awake, so she opened up the Children of Time secure chat program that made use of the Subwave Network, and signed in.

Nightingale1: Morning.

SonicLippy1: Hi. I've got a favour to ask if you're up for it. Bit of a windup actually.

Nightingale1: Oh yes? Are you being bad again Sarah?

SonicLippy1: A bit naughty - is that OK?

Nightingale1: Who's the target?

SonicLippy1: A former neighbour of mine - Alan Jackson.

Nightingale1: Go on.

Martha read Sarah Jane's plan amidst giggles before agreeing.

Nightingale1: Definitely bad, not just naughty!

SonicLippy1: But you'll do it?

Nightingale1: Oh yes! It sounds like fun.

SonicLippy1: TY! I owe you big time!

Nightingale1: Yes you do. I'll let you know how it goes. I'd better go and book a flight and a room in DC. Take care.

SonicLippy1: You too!

Martha signed out of the chat program, then did a quick search for a cheap flight to Washington DC and a hotel room. Although Sarah Jane had promised to reimburse Martha's expenses, she didn't want her friend to be too out of pocket over this prank.

Monday morning: Jackson household, Washington DC

Alan wandered into the sitting room and over to his computers: Maria was already on her way to school and he was working from home today so there was no real need to get dressed just yet.

He was startled when the doorbell rang a few moments later, and even more startled when he opened the door to find a dark skinned young woman dressed in black clothes, apart from a red beret, standing on the doorstep. He could see an ID badge clipped to her jacket, but it was angled so that he couldn't read it.

"Are you Mr Alan Jackson?" asked the young woman, her tone clipped and professional.

"Yes ma'am," he answered, then wondered if he was becoming Americanised already.

"My name is Martha Jones. I'm with UNIT. I expect you know why I'm here?"

He gulped loudly enough to be heard, although she gave no sign of noticing.

"You'd better come in," he said weakly, suddenly conscious of how few clothes he was wearing and feeling unnerved by her stern expression.

She unfolded her arms and stepped inside. "Where's the minor, Mr Jackson?" asked Martha.

"Maria? She's on her way to school." He felt a little trickle of fear, as cold as ice water, run down his spine.

"Then we will locate and interview her later."

"Look, I'm really sorry about hacking into the site, but Maria's friends, who are also minors, were in danger, and we really needed the information, and it was the fastest way to get it and get them out of danger."

Alan was aware that he was babbling, but Martha's expression was unnerving him.

She raised an eyebrow at him when he finished speaking and he couldn't help thinking she looked sexy.

"Well, Mr Jackson, since you've saved us both some time by confessing to your crime, all that remains is for me to decide how best to discipline you."

"D-d-discipline me?" he stuttered, feeling his cock stir.

"Yes Mr Jackson, discipline. We are a military organisation and we believe that crimes should not go unpunished."

Martha was watching him closely, and she saw the way he licked his lips and the desire darkening his eyes. She could also see he was growing aroused since the short robe he was wearing wasn't hiding much.

She stepped up close and reached down with her right hand to fondle his cock, eliciting a moan of longing that caused Martha's nipples to harden and her pussy to grow wet. Thanks to her hectic schedule she had missed out on the most recent meet up that Jack had organised for the remaining Children of Time, and although he and Sarah Jane had promised to make it up to her, they hadn't had the chance as yet. And watching Tom and his two 'wives' on the webcam two nights ago had only served to highlight the fact that she hadn't had anything but her fingers or her toys inside her for about ten days.

Sarah Jane had reckoned, though, that Alan would be up for a bit of fun if Martha wanted to try him.

"It seems to me, Mr Jackson, that you're not averse to the idea of being disciplined by me," she purred, continuing to fondle his increasingly hard cock. "Am I right?"

He nodded eagerly, stammering out his agreement.

"I thought so." She led him by the cock over to the sofa. "On your knees," she said, "and ditch the robe."

"Yes ma'am." He quickly slipped off the robe and Martha took the time to enjoy the view of his long, thick cock which was now fully hard and bobbing between his legs as he knelt at her feet.

She unzipped her trousers, then kicked off her boots, before sliding her trousers down and off, revealing an ivory coloured pair of silk panties.

She sat down on the edge of the sofa, then gave Alan another stern look. "You will make me come, but you can only use your mouth and fingers, and you're not to come yourself yet. Understand?"

He nodded eagerly and shuffled forward to place his hands on Martha's knees; sliding his hands upwards he parted her thighs, then ducked his head to drag his tongue up the length of her entrance, pushing the wet silk against her throbbing flesh.

Martha couldn't help moaning with pleasure at the sensation and she put her hand on Alan's head, encouraging him to continue as her arousal grew.

She felt him take hold of her panties and lifted her bum so he could remove them, then his mouth was on her again as he began sucking on her clit while first one, then another of his fingers slipped into her hot pussy and began to move inside her.

Martha moaned and whimpered as he teased her to an explosive orgasm that flooded his mouth with her juices, and he hummed his satisfaction as he lapped hungrily at her flesh.

"Enough!" she said sternly once she'd caught her breath, and he pulled away, albeit reluctantly.

Martha stood up and pulled off the beret, shaking her hair loose, then she unzipped her jacket to reveal that underneath she was only wearing a bra, in the same ivory coloured silk as the discarded panties.

Alan groaned at the sight; Martha's hard nipples were dark peaks beneath the silk and he longed to put his mouth to them.

"Sit on the sofa," she commanded and he obeyed, aware that his cock was painfully hard and felt on the point of exploding.

However, Martha had come prepared; she picked up her discarded jacket and took out a small silicone cock ring, which she slid into place.

"Since you're being punished for your misdemeanours, Mr Jackson, I'm going to fuck you, but you're not going to come until I'm satisfied, understand?"

"Yes ma'am."

She held onto his shoulders as she knelt on the sofa, straddling his lap. As she guided his cock inside herself she couldn't help being grateful for wide American sofas that allowed plenty of room for such manoeuvres.

They both groaned as Martha sank down onto Alan's hard shaft until he was buried deep inside her.

"May I?" he asked, nodding at her silk-covered breasts.

"Yes," she hissed as she lifted herself up until only his tip was still inside her, then slammed back down again.

He had one arm around her to hold her steady, but he reached up and unfastened her bra with the other hand, pulling the silk free and tossing it aside before he ducking his head to lave his tongue over first one nipple then the other. Then he nipped one gently between his teeth and felt Martha's pussy muscles tighten around his aching cock. He moved his mouth across to nip at her other nipple and felt another squeeze.

Then she began to move faster, riding him hard until she threw back her head and came with a wordless cry. Afterwards she slumped against him, breathless and quivering. Once she'd caught her breath, Martha moved off Alan and slipped off the cock ring.

"Now you may come," she told him, stroking his cheek. "Fuck me how you want, because you've been so good in taking your punishment like a man."

"Lie on your back, please."

She moved to do his bidding and he lifted himself over her, then slid his cock back inside her. Martha wrapped her arms and legs around him, and allowed him to fuck her until they both came with a cry.

Half an hour later, they had both showered and dressed (Martha had pulled a neatly folded t-shirt from the pocket of her jacket), and Alan let her out of the house.

"Thank you for cooperation in this matter, Mr Jackson," she said, offering her hand. "I trust there will be no repeat of your crimes?"

His eyes twinkled. "I can't promise that," he answered.

"Then we may meet again." She started to walk away, then turned back. "One more thing, Mr Jackson. It may interest you to know that I was tipped off about your misdemeanour by a former neighbour of yours." She gave him a wink, then walked away, leaving him staring in disbelief.

fic: post s4, character: sarah jane smith, fic genre: pr0n, character pairing: martha/alan jackson

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