30 Days with Martha Jones: Choices

Nov 11, 2008 18:55

Who_Daily Link: < a href="http://persiflage-1.livejournal.com/186377.html">30 Days with Martha Jones: Choices by < lj user=persiflage_1> (Characters: Martha Jones, Donna Noble | Rating: G | Spoilers: 4.13)

Title: 30 Days with Martha Jones: Choices
Author: Persiflage_1
Characters/Pairings: Martha Jones, Donna Noble
Rating: G
Spoilers: Journey's End
Summary: 30 Days in the life of Martha Jones
Disclaimer: I occasionally wish that I did own it!
Author Notes: I signed up to do mini_nanowrimo this year, and snagged 30 random prompts from doctorwho_100 which will form the basis of the 30 fics I write. Each fic will feature Martha and at least one other Whoniverse character, and the prompt will be included in the title of the fic.

Index Post


Jack had been quite taken with the new incarnation of the Doctor but, to Ianto's relief and Martha's embarrassment, he'd made it quite clear to Jack that he was only really interested in one person. The Captain had tried to wheedle out of the Time Lord when and where he'd regenerated, but the Doctor had simply said, 'Spoilers' with a very enigmatic smile, and changed the subject.

Martha hadn't known quite what to make of this new Doctor's manner towards her; there was a great deal of affection in his behaviour, but there was also the kiss, which he'd repeated before he'd disappeared to return the Space Bear to its home. Jack had already helped Ianto to hobble out of the TARDIS towards where they'd left the SUV when they'd arrived a couple of hour earlier, but the Doctor had held Martha back for a few minute to say goodbye.


He hugged her so tightly that she began to feel breathless, then he stood with his hands on her shoulders, looking at her as if he was memorising her face.

"Unless I'm very foolish, and I admit that I am a very foolish old man at times, you won't see this incarnation of me again until my regeneration from my tenth body."

"You mean I'll be with you when you regenerate?" Martha asked, surprised.

He smiled that secretive smile again and then ducked his head to kiss her firmly, before moving away to the TARDIS console.

"Jack's waiting," he told her.

Martha shook her head. "I thought your last incarnation was a tease, but I swear you're worse than he is."

He gazed at her, his blue eyes seeming to read her mind and pierce her soul. "It doesn't do for anyone to know too much of their own future," he said, his expression very serious now. "Just make sure you take good care of yourself, Dr Jones, because I'll be needing you. We'll meet again."

She took that as her cue to leave, and offered him a salute before heading out to the SUV where Jack was waiting rather impatiently.

Twenty four hours later, and back in London again, Martha was still wondering about the Doctor's hints while she went shopping for a birthday present for Tish. She was preoccupied by both things and paying less attention than she should as she turned away from a jeweller's window display, so it wasn't very surprising that she bumped into a taller, red-haired woman.

"Oi, watch it!" exclaimed the woman, clearly annoyed.

Martha stammered an apology as she looked up into the unrecognising eyes of Donna Noble.

"Here, are you all right?" she asked, "you look like you've seen a ghost."

"Fine, I'm fine," Martha stammered.

"Well you don't look it," Donna answered. "Come on, let's go and have a coffee, and you can collect your thoughts."

Before Martha could find her voice to object, or assure her that she was okay, the older woman had clasped her arm in a firm grip and guided the young doctor into a nearby Starbucks.

Martha was still in a daze as she sat down at a table opposite Donna, a Cappuccino with chocolate sprinkles on the top in front of her.

"You okay?" asked the redhead. "I can call a doctor if you need one."

The younger woman laughed softly. "Actually, I am a doctor," she said, telling herself to snap out of it before she gave herself away and said something that was fatal to Donna's existence.

"So, what's the diagnosis Doctor - ?" She gave Martha an expectant look.

"Smith, Dr Martha Smith," she answered, holding out her hand, and not daring to give her real name, just in case Donna remembered it. "The diagnosis is that the patient needs to concentrate on the task of finding her big sister a birthday present, and not allow herself to be distracted by work."

"Well if you're a doctor, it's understandable that you'd find work distracting," Donna answered after shaking hands.

"What about you?" Martha asked as she drank some of her coffee.

"I'm a temp," Donna answered. "I'm starting a new job next week, actually, filling in for the office manager who's about to go off on maternity leave. I'm looking to top up my wardrobe." She looked pensive for a moment. "I had this strange urge a while ago to buy a brown pinstripe suit, but I need some tops to wear with it."

They drank some more of their coffee, Martha biting her tongue to stop herself from asking after Donna's family.

"Do you reckon I could get away with a gold coloured shirt with this red hair?" Donna asked suddenly.

"Depends on the shade of the gold, I'd say," Martha answered, after an appraising look at the other woman. She noticed that Donna was biting at her bottom lip. "Do you, I mean, I know I'm a stranger, but do you want someone to give you a second opinion?" she offered.

She desperately wanted Donna to make a good impression at the new job, and seeing how diminished her confidence appeared to be was painful for Martha. The Donna she'd known and liked had been far more self confident and strong as a result of travelling with the Doctor, and the younger woman was determined to help her former friend rediscover that self confidence.

"Would you?" asked Donna, her expression brightening immediately. "If it's not a hassle, I'd love some feedback."

"Finish up your coffee, then," Martha said, "and we'll go shopping for something that'll knock 'em dead."

The redhead grinned and they were soon back out on the bustling streets where they spent two hours going from shop to shop, looking at innumerable blouses, shirts and t-shirts. By the end of the two hours, Donna had five different shirts she liked and which Martha had assured her she looked stunning in, and the young doctor had also managed to find some very pretty earrings and a silk blouse for Tish's birthday.

The two women were well on their way to becoming friends all over again, and when Donna suggested they swap mobile phone numbers, Martha had agreed promptly.

"You know, it's weird, I almost feel as if I already knew you from somewhere," she said as she entered Martha's number into her mobile.

The young doctor swallowed hard, her eyes wide with astonishment. "That is weird," she answered, "because I feel the same way. Perhaps we knew each other in another life?"

Donna looked up and grinned. "Maybe."

"Anyway, you'll have to let me know how your first day goes," Martha said.

"Sure, though to tell you the truth, I'm a bit terrified about it."

"Don't be," Martha said, "you'll be brilliant and they'll wonder how they ever managed without you."

The redhead gave her a surprised look, slightly disconcerted by the vehemence in her new friend's tone. "You sound very certain about that," she commented.

The younger woman laughed a little. "I'm good at reading people. As a doctor, I'm trained to be very observant, to notice what patients don't tell me, or perhaps aren't aware of themselves. And I know you'll be good."

"If I'm not, you can buy me a drink to commiserate," Donna said.

"And if I am right, I'll buy you a drink to congratulate you," Martha answered, grinning, "so either way you'll be the winner."

Donna laughed. "You're on."

They shook hands on it, then Martha watched as Donna headed off to the car park, before she headed back to UNIT HQ, thoroughly satisfied with the outcome of her shopping trip.

series: 30 days with martha jones, fic: post s4, character: donna noble, character: martha jones, mini-nanowrimo

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