30 Days with Martha Jones: Blue

Nov 02, 2008 09:40

Who_Daily Link: < a href="http://persiflage-1.livejournal.com/179982.html">30 Days with Martha Jones: Blue by < lj user=persiflage_1> (Characters: Martha Jones, Jo Grant | Rating: G | Spoilers: None)

Title: 30 Days with Martha Jones: Blue
Author: Persiflage_1
Characters/Pairings: Martha Jones, Jo Grant
Rating: G
Spoilers: None
Summary: 30 Days in the life of Martha Jones
Disclaimer: I occasionally wish that I did own it!
Author Notes: I signed up to do mini_nanowrimo this year, and snagged 30 random prompts from doctorwho_100 which will form the basis of the 30 fics I write. Each fic will feature Martha and at least one other Whoniverse character, and the prompt will be included in the title of the fic.

Index Post


Martha had spent three days down in Cardiff, working with Jack and the others at Torchwood, and was back in London late on Wednesday afternoon. As she drove through the streets towards her flat, a flash of blue caught her eye and she saw an older woman falling towards the pavement.

Martha pulled up alongside in a screech of tyres, and scrambled quickly out of the car.

"It's okay, I'm a doctor," she told the young couple who were anxiously crowding close.

The young man nodded, obviously relieved, and Martha knelt beside the woman who looked about ninety.

"Hello," she said, "I'm Martha and I'm a doctor. Can you tell me your name?"

"Jo," came the wavering reply as Martha felt for her pulse, which was strong and steady, to Martha's considerable relief.

"Is there someone I can ring for you, Jo, to get them to come and collect you?" She was running gently hands over the woman's ankles and legs as she spoke, checking for broken bones.

"Doctor," answered Jo.

"Yes, that's me," Martha replied in a soothing tone. "Do you know why you fell? Did you turn your ankle or miss your footing, or did you have a dizzy spell?"

"Where's the Doctor," asked Jo. "You're not the Doctor!" She gave Martha an angry, puzzled look.

"I am a doctor though," Martha said reassuringly. "Who is your GP?"

The woman shook her head angrily. "Where is the Doctor?" she asked in a plaintive tone, and Martha, with a sudden jolt, realised that Jo wasn't referring to a GP.

She bent her head closer to Jo's and spoke quietly. "Where's the TARDIS?"

Jo lifted her head, her expression one of relief now that she'd made Martha understand. "Alleyway," she answered.

Martha laughed softly. "I should have known," she murmured. "Come on, then, Jo, let's get you home."

She felt a bit surprised that the Doctor had chosen a much older companion after Donna; this Jo didn't look as if she'd be up to much running. She helped the older woman to her feet and they made their way, slightly unsteadily in Jo's case, along to the corner and then down the alley where a very familiar blue box patiently stood waiting.

Just as they reached the ship, the door opened abruptly and Martha stared in surprise at the figure framed in the doorway.

"Oh," she said, lost for words.

To be continued tomorrow...

series: 30 days with martha jones, fic: post s4, character: martha jones, character: jo grant, mini-nanowrimo

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