Aug 15, 2007 10:30

Pimp post as requested by rhythmia! Haha woefully um, incomplete for now, but I'm sure there will be more added as various people come up and smack me for being lazy with everyone's posts save for Koyama and Tegoshi. I AM BIASED I ADMIT IT.

Okay, so I've never actually had to go through and PIMP members specifically so much as point people at ridiculous youtube links and then WATCH THEM INFECT THEMSELVES FROM THERE. So if anyone wants to put in any input that I will INEVITABLY leave out or and facts I have crossed (or any opinions I have that are just WILDLY WRONG), feel free.

NewS Then:

NewS Now:

(As always, GENERAL group info can be found at wikipedia:

As for my own impressions:

Core Six

1. The Leader

Yamashita Tomohisa (otherwise known as Yamapi)

Height: 175cm
Weight: 60kg
DOB: April 9, 1985

Yamapi Then:

Yamapi Now:

He's the leader. I don't really have much to say about him except that he's the one that inspires everyone and has been in JE the longest. Honestly? Not my favorite member, so he gets a passing glance. Maybe I will convince Ann to write a better pimp of him for me, but while I like him, I'm too lazy to put too much effort into his section. Just stare at his picture? It's nice!

Okay fine. Here is his solo perf from the DVD:

Two other members backdance for him, THAT'S CUTE.

2. The Mean One

Nishikido Ryo

Height: 170cm
Weight: 53kg
DOB: Nov 3, 1984



Okay, not mean so much as his brain-mouth filter is not so good. But that is why we love him--he says what everyone is thinking anyway. And when he gets pissy it's cute.

He dances kind of slutty, does stupid shit then gets adorably embarrassed by it, and plays instruments. His personality is best seen in group dynamics, I think, so when I link all the spam at the bottom you'll see what I mean. XD

3. The Group Mother Hen

Koyama Keiichiro

Height: 177cm
Weight: 53kg
DOB: May 1, 1984



Hands down the BEST personality. He's the oldest so he takes care of everyone and is often forced to MC or take the lead (along with Yamapi) in interviews and filming. He will NEVER BE COOL, but that's why he's lovable. HE LIVES AND BREATHES Member-ai. His blog contains the FUNNIEST things about the members you will ever read, and he's always so damned POSITIVE about everything you can't really help but cheer for him. He is a dork who BOWS ON THE PHONE when he apologizes. He always tries to get everyone to have fun together, is silliest on TV appearances, and even tho he's the oldest, always gets roped into doing the stupid shit the younger members tell him to.

He REALLY LOVES his bandmates.

He mocks his own face.

When he's performing, he's always the No 1 member who is having fun. Even if he is always in the background. XD

4. The Smart one

Kato Shigeaki

Height: 175cm
Weight: 62kg
DOB: July 7, 1987



The worst singer in the group, but kind of funny for his self-deprecating. He's probably best at acting, and he and Koyama are often RETARDED together. He tends to lose a lot in competition to his other bandmates. He gets teased the most by everyone (as you saw on the link I put for the NewS Abake in Koyama's section). He also gets teased by non-bandmates as well, for being one of the more obscure members of the group.

He ALSO crossdresses and gets sexually harassed by Koyama.

5. The Cute One/The Baby

Tegoshi Yuya

Height: 170cm
Weight: 52kg
DOB: Nov 11, 1987

Tegoshi of Yore:

Smokin' Hot (But somehow still CUTE) Tegoshi of Now:

Joined JE in NOVEMBER 2002. That's right, he debuted LESS THAN A YEAR after joining, while his groupmates were all about 4+ years his seniors in terms of their affiliation with Johnny's. NONE OF THE OTHER MEMBERS KNEW WHO HE WAS (except for Massu apparently) when they threw him in the group and as expected, he was TERRIFIED, the poor baby. But that's what happens when you can REALLY REALLY REALLY SING and you learn things FAST. So he gets thrown in, gets PICKED ON in EVERY single initial interview they have as a group, and kind of wins everyone's hearts along the way for his composure. His dancing, however, Remains REALLY SUCKY (as he admits himself here)until about the end of 2006. It is awkwardly cute in it's own way, but now that he can dance, he might be the group's biggest triple threat. XD

So. His charms.

He laughs REALLY hard. And doesn't care who sees it.

Bad but cute Engrish

He tends to win a lot.

He is kind of fearless.

He is a dork.

He looks good in a skirt.

The way he says "bye-bye, Kei-chan!" might just be the CUTEST THING EVER.

And as you'll see in the interviews I link you too later, he is spoiled and harmlessly-self-centered which makes for everyone in the group somehow loving him and being like "sigh" with him all the time. THEY PACK HIS SUITCASES FOR HIM.

6. The Athletic One

Masuda Takahisa

Height: 170cm
Weight: 58kg
DOB: July 4, 1986



Probably the best dancer (technically speaking) in the group and definitely the second best vocalist. He is the food obsessed one who can work out while eating honey (as you saw at the end of Tegoshi's retarded magic show clip). Koyama refers to him as a personality similar to Winnie the Pooh- he's kind of simple and easy going and a bit of an airhead. Read Koyama's blog entry when Massu forgets what Tokyo Tower is called. -_-;;

Apparently he was bribed into joining JE when his sister offered to buy him a basketball if he would go to the audition. THAT's how simple he is. XD

Here is a cute clip of him demonstrating how he buys clothes and goes on dates with Tegoshi to karaoke and shop.

He's probably the most athletic all round out of the group:

He runs fast, do lots of push-ups, and beats Ya-Ya-Yah at soccer.

And from aisubekijo, a longer list:

Dancing in Rollerblades.

Being a dork!


Scared of bugs.

Eating Ice Cream when its 6 degrees outside.

Pikachu Baseball.

Arms of steel!

Here he is cross-dressing:

#1 Ramen:

#4 Hot Pot:

#5 Meat Spagetti:

#7 Dried Curry:


7. Drunk No. 1 The Pretty One

Uchi Hiroki

Uh, I don't know enough about Uchi to really say all that much. I know that he and Ryo can be pretty gay with each other. And that he was probably the 4th best singer in the group of 8.

8. Drunk No. 2 The Lovable Dumbass

Kusano Hironori

I'm not going to lie. I like Kusano. He was formerly the best all-rounder as the second best singer and by far, the best dancer (he's the one in the jeans there).

And he is also cutely retarded, which is hard to pull off unless you're REALLY CUTE. He is super willing to do some DUMB SHIT. And not only that, when he's doing dumb shit, he goes ALL OUT.

He's also another winner in terms of athleticism. As you saw in the relay race from Massu's link spam, he RUNS REALLY FAST, and tends to beat up Shige a lot. He and Koyama did a lot of weird little skits together, of which included a Doraemon impression.

But of course he got suspended in 2006 due to an under-aged drinking scandal, and now that he and Uchi are back everyone is wondering whether or not the two of them will be let back into NewS or if they'll have to start all over.

9. The Quitter The Rockstar

Moriuchi Takahiro



FORMERLY the best singer and youngest member in the group.

But he went from this to this and what can you do, right? Now he paints his nails black and looks angsty for the camera. CAN YOU EVER REALLY BE LEGIT AFTER BEING IN JE? I guess we'll see.


Because NewS is HARD to pimp as individuals when everything they do that is great is in the group context.

Like I said, read their blogs for the best stuff (particularly Ryo, Koyama, and Shige's).

Interviews that are Cute/hysterical/made of win:

And some fun performances where they sound good and you can see the hints of member-ai as they sing:

And if that's not enough uh... Let me know?


At least it's finished. LOL SORRY GUYS. I will do better next time? Yeah.

news, pimp

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