5 Things Results- 9/24

Sep 25, 2006 00:37

Did another round of these requests over at peroxidepest17 this time since I'm back on my computer in CA now and wanted to refamiliarize myself with it, I guess. So, here we go! The results from this time around... kind of stupid, kind of silly, kind of random, but it's getting a little bit easier as I go. Maybe it helped that only 13 out of 15 requests were ( Read more... )

antique bakery, wolf's rain, bleach, 5 things, one piece, ouran

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Comments 62

qem_chibati September 25 2006, 09:11:14 UTC
Oh I loved reading through these.

I especially liked:
Five Ways Ichigo Tried to Propose to Rukia (and what went wrong)-
Five mistakes Ono's made in the kitchen,
and the Ouran one. =D


peroxidepest17 September 26 2006, 02:22:17 UTC
Haha I actually had the most fun writing the Ichi/Ruki one, I think. It's been a long time, made me all nostalgic. ^_^


mushrooms September 25 2006, 09:11:53 UTC
*cannot stop laughing at poor Ichigo and his failed proposals. And Renji's tattoos. And aaaaah Ikkaku and Yumi are so much cute.

Awww Hollow!Ichigo needs more screentime.

Zoro needed to wait for a sign? =O Just do it!!! XD

Poor Mori. XD


peroxidepest17 September 26 2006, 02:23:02 UTC
LOL Zoro can be patient sometimes, I guess. XD And yes, Ikkaku and Yumi are totally my favorite BFFs EVER. Thy're so squishy. XD


carameltrap September 25 2006, 09:48:37 UTC
*laughs hysterically at the Bleach ones*

Oh god! You're just awesome at it. Specially love Ichigo trying to propose to Rukia's.


peroxidepest17 September 26 2006, 02:23:57 UTC
Yay, glad you liked! I'm a bit out of practice with IchixRuki, but I still love them so. ^_^


cheloya September 25 2006, 11:06:08 UTC
Excuse me while I collect the organs I laughed up while reading these. XD; Hilarity and hawt.


peroxidepest17 September 26 2006, 02:24:22 UTC
Heee, I'm glad they weren't totally lame. XD I worry sometimes, you know. >>


pyrefly September 25 2006, 11:49:22 UTC

There are no other words.


peroxidepest17 September 26 2006, 02:24:40 UTC
The two of us don't need words! ♥


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