Ouran- "Unleashing the Beast"

Aug 01, 2006 00:44


Title: Unleashing the Beast
Rating: PG-15
Pairing/Character/s: Mori, Honey, Tamaki, Kyouya, Twins, Haruhi (with a splash of MorixKyouya)
Word Count: 962
Warning/s: OOC and crack. I don’t know what possessed me.
Summary: Mori has a little extra energy.
Dedication: Christine- she totally dared me.
A/N: I WAS SUPPOSED TO GO TO ( Read more... )

haruhi, mori, kyouya, ouran, kaoru, hikaru, morixkyouya, tamaki, twins, honey

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Comments 45

bellezainfantil August 1 2006, 14:11:29 UTC
god god god this is perfect. oh mori. oh kyouya. together. ♥


peroxidepest17 August 1 2006, 18:49:21 UTC
They'd be surprisingly lovely, wouldn't they? And very, very sexy, I think. XD Since out of the HC charries I feel that they're the two that ooze the most natural sex appeal. XD


bellezainfantil August 1 2006, 19:02:11 UTC
oh god yes. i watched Ouran 17 today and like, god, kyouya. aldsjkajfkdjkaf; sorry i tend to become a little incoherent where kyouya is concerned


chrysan August 1 2006, 14:22:24 UTC
Mori-san is really the 'Wild'-type, alright. XDXDXD Kyouya being so intimidated is so cute! I must say that this MorixKyouya fic is so IC that this 'pairing' doesn't feel crack at all~ *v*

The others slowly slid out of Mori’s line of sight. He’d picked his victim.

Lovely~~~ So romantic~~~ *snigger* *snigger*


peroxidepest17 August 1 2006, 18:49:56 UTC
I think pairings are fluid in HC... there's lots of potential with everyone because the characters are fun. XD


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peroxidepest17 August 1 2006, 18:51:02 UTC
Mori would DEFINITELY be the one to top him. XD And it would be glorious, I think. *snicker*

And yeah, I kind of wanted to do a little more on Black Mori myself. XD


yukitsu August 1 2006, 16:17:54 UTC
D: D: D: OMG, Mori is HOT here.


peroxidepest17 August 1 2006, 18:51:43 UTC
*snicker* I think he's always hot. But the image of him all stalking and slinking and swaggering is kind of a fluttery rape-me hawt. XD


daeiell August 1 2006, 17:26:07 UTC
Lovely, you are truly amazing. You made the Mori/Kyouya credible for me. You win!


peroxidepest17 August 1 2006, 18:52:05 UTC
Haha I'm glad it's credible, as cracky as it is. XD


daeiell August 1 2006, 20:31:41 UTC
Yeah it's cracky, also is a Mori/Kyouya. But, is Ouran after all. Never thought that i will like a fic that paired my to favorites host, never.


peroxidepest17 August 1 2006, 21:38:20 UTC
Hah they're my favorites too. XD


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