Ouran- "Unleashing the Beast"

Aug 01, 2006 00:44


Title: Unleashing the Beast
Rating: PG-15
Pairing/Character/s: Mori, Honey, Tamaki, Kyouya, Twins, Haruhi (with a splash of MorixKyouya)
Word Count: 962
Warning/s: OOC and crack. I don’t know what possessed me.
Summary: Mori has a little extra energy.
Dedication: Christine- she totally dared me.
A/N: I WAS SUPPOSED TO GO TO SLEEP. But then Christine dared me to write something with MorixKyouya. AND YOU KNOW HOW I GET. So I did it. Because Mori and Kyouya would be strange BUT GORGEOUS. The end. >>

When Honey announced that he would be gone for a week to America for Special Ops training in the Nevada desert come next Monday, the entire atmosphere of the third music room was instantly killed dead.

Haruhi blinked, and noticed that all eyes had suddenly gone straight to Mori-senpai. The tall senior simply continued to ply Honey with cakes and tea and didn’t seem to notice the looks of the others as he did.

She turned to Kyouya and cleared her throat then, careful to keep her voice low. “Kyouya-senpai,” she began, and looked sideways at Mori one more time, “is something wrong with Mori-senpai?”

The dark-haired boy’s glasses gleamed in an excessive way, and she wondered if he was trying to block out some bad memory of some sort. “Nothing’s wrong,” he told her with measured calm. “Per se.”


“…gets super agitated…”

“…when Honey-senpai isn’t around,” the twins explained under their breaths, appearing on either side of Haruhi suddenly, the pair nodding with infinite wisdom at her ignorance.

She cocked her head a bit and tried to imagine Mori-senpai agitated. It just seemed like normal him with a little bit more tension than necessary. Certainly no more of a handful to deal with than say, Hikaru and Kaoru on a good day. “Mori-senpai agitated? Is that really a big deal?”

Everyone stared at her for a moment.

The twins sighed. “Remember in biology class?” they asked simultaneously.

In an already weird conversation, she really didn’t get what that had to do with anything. Which said a lot for how random she found it.

“My innocent, innocent little girl!” Tamaki cried suddenly, materializing behind her and pulling her back against his chest with a little sob. She couldn’t tell if the tears in his eyes were for her or for himself. “The horrors you don’t yet know!”

Kyouya pushed his glasses up on his nose and sighed, supposing that Haruhi did warrant fair warning considering she was obligated to be here next Monday. “I’m sure you learned in biology that certain species of animals are more prone to becoming increasingly aggressive when they’re restless?” he posed coolly, though there was a certain clipped manner to his tone that told her he wasn’t as unaffected as he’d like everyone to believe.


“…animal instincts…”

“… are really strong,” the twins finished, and their sideways looks at the object of their discussion made her instinctively look over at him again as well.

He looked the same.

She blinked. “Are you guys sure…”

“You’ll see,” they all responded in synch, before breaking from the huddle, presumably to bide their time and mentally prepare for whatever it was that lay ahead.

Come Monday, everyone had their war faces on. Except for Haruhi, who didn’t understand why everyone was wearing Kevlar and riot gear.

She supposed it might be today’s costume theme or something, but the tension in the room as they waited for Mori-senpai to arrive from kendo practice was a little bit too much, even for her.

She understood it though, when he arrived. It all came together in those short, almost surreal moments.

He walked into the room and there was something different in his eyes maybe, though she couldn’t quite put a finger on what it was exactly.

It was a glint that was almost…predatory.

The "almost" got knocked right out of that assessment the minute he stopped moving though, coming to a halt right in front of Kyouya-senpai as he looked into the shorter boy’s eyes with an unmistakable intensity.

“Mori-senpai?” Kyouya inquired, and was holding his portfolio a little more tightly than normal.

“Kyouya,” Mori murmured, and his voice was almost… sultry?

Haruhi sweatdropped.

The others slowly slid out of Mori’s line of sight. He’d picked his victim.

“Forgive me, Okaasan!” Tamaki whispered, teary-eyed as he pulled Haruhi with him to relative safety.

Kyouya flashed a quick glare at the blond, but decided that taking his eyes off of Mori-senpai right now might not be a good idea. “Was there something you wanted?” he breathed cautiously, and might have been sweating if anyone had been looking at him closely.

Mori smiled at that-just a minute, almost imperceptible upturn of his lips.

Kyouya swallowed.

The senior leaned forward then, and stopped just a breath away from touching his lips to Kyouya’s. His eyes were smoldering as he looked at the second year from one of those convincing low angles. “Cake,” he said, and that was all.

The younger boy’s grip on his portfolio was absolutely white-knuckled now. “Of course, Mori-senpai.”

Mori’s smile broadened just a bit and he leaned back and looked at Kyouya for a minute or two longer, like he was assessing what he was going to do to the poor second-year after he’d gotten his cake. Haruhi might have called it smugness if she could believe such a thing coming from Mori-senpai. Kyouya on the other hand, almost-almost-looked frozen on the spot.

And then, without another word, the third year stuck his hands into his pockets and very casually brushed past the vice-president, strolling over to Honey’s favorite table and taking a seat while he waited for his cake.

Haruhi continued to stare, because she really couldn’t tear her eyes away. Mori-senpai was slinking. Swaggering almost. Completely, utterly…predatory. She blinked and thought of the rather deadpan calm she was used to seeing from the large third year. “Does taking care of Honey-senpai really require that much energy?” she hissed disbelievingly under her breath.

Tamaki and the twins could only nod dumbly in confirmation as they looked on alongside her. “Lots of energy,” they said, all at once.


That day, Haruhi truly believed that she’d witnessed the arrival of the host club’s shadow Shadow King.


Edits needed. I totally wrote this too damn fast. BUT I NEED TO SLEEP.

haruhi, mori, kyouya, ouran, kaoru, hikaru, morixkyouya, tamaki, twins, honey

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