Eyeshield 21- "Sports Drink"

Mar 11, 2006 00:11

I AM A DIRTY ROTTEN LIAR, k_shi. Haha I wasn't going to do this tonight but then I got the idea and well, you know. XD


Title: Sports Drink
Universe: Eyeshield 21
Theme/Topic: second theme of five from the challenges Shiroro gave me. Slowly I think I am beginning to suss these characters out. XD
Rating: PG-13
Character/Pairing/s: vaguely JyuuxSena ( Read more... )

jyuumonjixsena, eyeshield 21

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Comments 22

miss_arel March 11 2006, 09:49:36 UTC
No edits to make, but -- awwwww... that was ridiculously cute. ♥ I think my favorite part was Jyuumonji throwing the bottle and hitting his target without even having to look. XD


peroxidepest17 March 11 2006, 20:09:16 UTC
Jyuu-chan is a badass with a squishy soft puppy loving heart inside. XD


seca March 11 2006, 09:49:54 UTC
Aww, I feel so special now. ^___^ JyuSena is so much love, why did I not realize it before? though drooling over Sakuraba and figuring out who to pair him up with is probably the answer to that >.>;


peroxidepest17 March 11 2006, 20:10:04 UTC
Haha I like Shin and Sakuraba I think... very unoriginal there, I know. But JyuuSen is my new ES #1 OTP I think. o.o Ah the difference a day makes... ^^;;


chaosraven March 13 2006, 09:47:29 UTC
*random* If you ever see episode 38-ish of the anime (I don't know where that corrisponds in the manga) there is no question. Sakuraba/Takumi all the way, baby!


peroxidepest17 March 13 2006, 10:05:46 UTC
I saw it! And YES it was very gay. But it was kind of OT3 gay too, because Saku's always chasing Shin. XD Takami is so cute tho. ^^ Haha Oh decisions, decisions. XD


passepartout March 11 2006, 10:55:22 UTC
I liked it very much, this one and the precedent, "Bad Habits" :3
Juumonji/Sena is a pairing that I adore, they fit well together; the weak, and the criminal to protect him ^__^
Loved the last scene, but I would like to see more of Tôgano and Kuroki (they're such an OTP, themselves XD)!
Can't wait for more fics from you ^-^


peroxidepest17 March 11 2006, 20:11:23 UTC
Toganou and Kuroki are very entertaining I think. XD Not sure about how I feel with them being OTP yet (haha I guess I usually don't go Thug and thug together...XD). *snicker* Monta needs a pairing... XD


silverygit March 12 2006, 20:21:45 UTC
*squeeeeeeees* nya, okay now I'll go read all the other eyeshield21 drabbles you wrote XD Jyuumonji can be thouroughly cute :3 nyfufufufu >D


peroxidepest17 March 12 2006, 21:32:52 UTC
Isn't he? Haha I love thugs with woobie insidees. xD


dethorats March 13 2006, 07:44:09 UTC
Ahaha, that was adorable! Great job capturing Hiruma's sadisticness and the general hands-on abuse that all the players tend to suffer from one another's hands.


peroxidepest17 March 13 2006, 07:55:30 UTC
Hiruma is an evil, evil brilliant man. And yes, I like to pick on the players lots XD. I think Taki is starting to become my number one pick-on character, just because I feel like he needs to get his ass thoroughly kicked before I can actually like him. o.o


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