Eyeshield 21- "Sports Drink"

Mar 11, 2006 00:11

I AM A DIRTY ROTTEN LIAR, k_shi. Haha I wasn't going to do this tonight but then I got the idea and well, you know. XD


Title: Sports Drink
Universe: Eyeshield 21
Theme/Topic: second theme of five from the challenges Shiroro gave me. Slowly I think I am beginning to suss these characters out. XD
Rating: PG-13
Character/Pairing/s: vaguely JyuuxSena ( Read more... )

jyuumonjixsena, eyeshield 21

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seca March 11 2006, 09:49:54 UTC
Aww, I feel so special now. ^___^ JyuSena is so much love, why did I not realize it before? though drooling over Sakuraba and figuring out who to pair him up with is probably the answer to that >.>;


peroxidepest17 March 11 2006, 20:10:04 UTC
Haha I like Shin and Sakuraba I think... very unoriginal there, I know. But JyuuSen is my new ES #1 OTP I think. o.o Ah the difference a day makes... ^^;;


chaosraven March 13 2006, 09:47:29 UTC
*random* If you ever see episode 38-ish of the anime (I don't know where that corrisponds in the manga) there is no question. Sakuraba/Takumi all the way, baby!


peroxidepest17 March 13 2006, 10:05:46 UTC
I saw it! And YES it was very gay. But it was kind of OT3 gay too, because Saku's always chasing Shin. XD Takami is so cute tho. ^^ Haha Oh decisions, decisions. XD


chaosraven March 13 2006, 11:21:53 UTC
True enough. Though to me, the relationship between Shin and Sakuraba is pretty one-sided on Sakuraba's behalf. It's hard to tell what Shin thinks about, um, anything. :/


peroxidepest17 March 13 2006, 18:50:26 UTC
He's aloof like that. Haha but you still have that episode where he breaks the camcorder and decides to chase after Saku and save him from the fangirls instead of watch the Deimon game? I thought that was cute. ^^


chaosraven March 14 2006, 09:49:14 UTC
True, that was really cute. Of course the camcorder thing was an accident since he has no concept of technology whatsoever.


peroxidepest17 March 14 2006, 09:55:17 UTC
haha but then he did choose to defy coach's orders and save Saku. Plus how automatically he did it kind of amused the fangirl in me. XD


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