JE/NEWS+KAT-TUN- "Modern Anthropology (or This is How Johnnies Make Dramas and Sometimes Babies)"

Feb 14, 2010 03:02

Title: Modern Anthropology (or This is How Johnnies Make Dramas and Sometimes Babies)
Universe: JE/ NewS/KAT-TUN
Theme/Topic: Tegoshi without Massu
Rating: PG-15
Character/Pairing/s: Yamanade Cast (JohnniesxMiyao, but mostly MiyaoxTegoshi)
Warnings/Spoilers: Stupidity as per usual and bad characterization of Miyao probably (IT WOULD BE BETTER IF ( Read more... )

miyao, je, kat-tun, yamanade, uchi, kame, news, tegoshi

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Comments 31

merii_hydeist February 14 2010, 12:45:58 UTC
jnzrGNJlrzng ROFL!

can't think of a coherent comment. But I really loved this. LOL.


peroxidepest17 February 14 2010, 20:19:23 UTC


1st_eggokage February 14 2010, 13:16:23 UTC
sfksjdl dying. DYING. maybe because I am reading this at five AM? NOPE I WOULD STILL BE DYING AT NOON, I THINK. BECAUSE THIS IS AMAZING. poor Miyao. Jyannis are dangerous creatures indeed.

In the meantime, Kamenashi simply continues to eat like nothing is the matter, brushing his hair out of his face every few minutes with the natural, easy grace of a hooker getting onto her knees.

okay, I had to bite my pillow to keep from shrieking with laughter here. OH, KAME. XD

lalala this comment is incoherent and I don't care because I am busy laughing to death. ♥


peroxidepest17 February 14 2010, 20:19:52 UTC
I JUST WANT MIYAO TO GET SEXED BY TEGO SO SO BAD. They are ridiculously hot just SITTING next to each other.


epsilonbrain February 14 2010, 14:07:03 UTC
OH GOD. My jaw dropped to the floor of our house. And by that I mean the first floor. While I'm on the 2nd.

MIYAO IS AWESOME!!! He's my favorite non-Johnny idol actor already (sorry, MatsuSho and Shirotan) AND OMG I AM SO BETTING THAT WHOLE FRANCE SCENE PROBABLY HAPPENED IN REAL LIFE. If not in France, in Japan during his ballet training. I've had one too many lectures on that when I still danced actively.

It's never surprising when anything a Johnny does screams "SEEEEEX NAW DEMMIT" right? *licks lips hahaha*


peroxidepest17 February 14 2010, 20:22:44 UTC


epsilonbrain February 15 2010, 03:57:59 UTC
We're sooo on the same page then! But don't you think Miyao also screams "I WAAAAAANT SEEEEEX TOOOO DEMMIT" back? He's totally H-O-T. BLAZING.


peroxidepest17 February 15 2010, 08:36:47 UTC
LOL I don't know he seems more dignified. I think the bitches probably come to him. XD


mousapelli February 14 2010, 16:45:48 UTC
oh god YES. I totally feel bad for Miyao surrounded by not one or two but THREE of these crazy people. Somewhere Maki is laughing so hard at his expense, poor graceful dear.

because oh man, there's no way they aren't doing things to him, because he is a tasty, tasty dude.

I totally love Kame and Uchi's chunks in here, and that Tego's the one who takes his virginity pity on him in the end, and that there's going to obviously be lots of naked idols in their dressing room from now on. COMPLETE WIN.


peroxidepest17 February 14 2010, 20:23:06 UTC
Miyao is going to get lots of funtimes I imagine. SERIOUSLY I WANT TEGO TO MAKE OUT WITH HIM SO BAD.


peroxidepest17 February 17 2010, 03:16:50 UTC
OR it would also be great if he gave the Johnnies dancing lessons. HM.


ryogrande February 15 2010, 01:18:26 UTC
Kamenashi simply continues to eat like nothing is the matter, brushing his hair out of his face every few minutes with the natural, easy grace of a hooker getting onto her knees.


poor guy. he had no idea what he was in for when he signed up for this drama. XD


peroxidepest17 February 15 2010, 08:36:26 UTC
that's what he gets for being so cool looking. XD


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