JE/NEWS/KAT-TUN- "Real Men Wear Pink"

Feb 11, 2010 00:54

Title: Real Men Wear Pink
Universe: JE/ NewS/KAT-TUN
Theme/Topic: Tegoki? I don’t know what their pairing name is.
Rating: PG
Character/Pairing/s: Tegoshi+Koki, mentions of KAT-TUN members, and random background stampedes of wild Nagase-saurus
Warnings/Spoilers: Stupidity as per usual. Probably some huge timeline screw ups.
Word Count: 2,280
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je, kat-tun, nagase, kame, news, nakamaru, tegoshi, johnny, koki

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Comments 36

w_tsubasa February 11 2010, 09:36:18 UTC
I cannot count the times I said it while reading.
Lovely lovely fic <3. Perfect for reading on a relaxing holiday of Lunar new year (well, it hasn't come yet, but we get holidays to prepare for it).

And now I need to find that MBMH photoshoot, so I can look at it and then, go back to read your fic again.
Could you point me to a place where I can find scans of that photoshoot?


peroxidepest17 February 12 2010, 01:37:55 UTC
I have no idea where scans are; my friend had a hard copy of it that I flipped through many years ago. Koki may not have been wearing white. *does not remember* I think it was Nov 2006 Myojo tho. I think.


w_tsubasa February 12 2010, 02:44:54 UTC
Thank for your reply :). I guess I'm just going to do some search around the net.
Hope there're still some Chinese fansites that share old scans.
I realized that the Chinese fandom may have all the stuffs when a fangirl needs to look for something.
Heck, they even have one (or maybe two) full fancams of Dream Boys 2009, but that forum is always locked thorough the whole year and only open its registration on Tego's birthday and I missed the chance in 2009.


peroxidepest17 February 12 2010, 03:01:54 UTC
Damn if you get a copy let me know. >>


merii_hydeist February 11 2010, 10:53:45 UTC
“I want to buy you cake and happiness.”
-----> THIS. Then I suddenly thought of Hunny-sempai. OTL.

Can't help but LOL too at Koki unconsciously singing Miso Soup. XDDD

Tego X Koki is WIN. <33


peroxidepest17 February 12 2010, 01:38:19 UTC
LOL Apparently when Koki hears it playing in random shopping centers he calls Tego to tell him about it. THIS IS LOVE?


merii_hydeist February 12 2010, 04:53:16 UTC
awwwww, sweet~~ I rewatched an episode of My Boss My Hero because of this fic. I'm soooo far gone. LMAO.


peroxidepest17 February 12 2010, 05:10:09 UTC


myxstorie February 11 2010, 11:11:53 UTC
LAKSKLAJKKWJDKWEFMKWNRJKFED!!!!!!!! I HAVE BEEN CRAVING THIS EXACT THING FOR LKADLKAS IDEK HOW LONG, OMG XDDD I LOVE Koki and Tegoshi SO MUCH, they have such an adorable friendship ♥ And this is just PERFECT :DDDD iluiluilu thank you for writing this <333333


peroxidepest17 February 12 2010, 01:39:19 UTC
Don't they? LOL I think they're a perfect match to be friends...maybe it's the complete opposition their images have. IT'S APPEALING like my favorite characters in Bleach or something.


snow_meow February 11 2010, 15:48:38 UTC

I think no matter what Tegoshi always has his God-like power.
It's like he is so MOE here. LOL

I love the part of Koki singing Miso Soup unconsciously.


peroxidepest17 February 12 2010, 01:39:45 UTC
I would totally pay to hear Koki and Tego's karaoke sessions of Miso Soup and Seishun Amigo. XD


imifumei February 11 2010, 15:55:39 UTC
“What the shit is a Lovely Item?” he asks eventually, because that is not one of the many English words he has ever used in any of his rap lyrics (though it could be one day, because he thinks he could get “item” to rhyme with “system” and he’s had it in his head for a while now to write a stanza that is all about sticking it to the man, whoever the man may be). hahahahahahaha This is awesome

“I want to buy you cake and happiness.” WIN

In the meantime, Nagase has come out of nowhere, wild-eyed and nostrils flaring like a dog when it hears a whistle outside of the human hearing spectrum; when he sees Tegoshi sad-facing in front of Koki he makes a high-pitched whine in the back of his throat and magically produces a lollipop from the inside of his jacket pocket while breathing heavily in an entirely creepy way. aaaaaahahahahahahaha Oh Nagase, you're such a creeper. Never change.Oh my god, this is completely hilarious and fantastic and adorable and wonderful. I love you ( ... )


peroxidepest17 February 12 2010, 01:40:11 UTC
Nagase was probably the funnest thing to write about this, because he is so random and wild and manly. I LOVE HIM A LOT.

And I'm glad you liked this!


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