JE/NEWS- "A Glass Half Empty"

Jan 31, 2010 20:52

Title: A Glass Half Empty
Universe: JE/ NewS ( Gov AU)
Theme/Topic: Uchi fic with Yamanade references
Rating: PG
Character/Pairing/s: NEWS (appearances by Tackey and mentions of Kame)
Warnings/Spoilers: More bad procedural stuffs.
Word Count: 5,115
Summary: Following the events of “Still Miles to Go”- A glass half empty is also half full.
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koyama, je, tackey, massu, uchi, kame, yamapi, news, je gov au, tegoshi, shige, ryo

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Comments 26

ryogrande February 1 2010, 05:10:46 UTC
i think i am the most astounded that you can write 5k where nothing actually happens. i love the underlying moral about living in the present instead of the past, along with the uchitego bonding while kame GETS KICKED IN THE HEAD. :D

clearly you are a genius. and all for a good cause. ♥


peroxidepest17 February 1 2010, 05:22:21 UTC
I am particularly adept at making nothing happen; almost as good as I am at saying a lot of things that don't mean anything either. *thumbs up*

As a manga reader, I would also like to say that Kyohei getting kicked in the head=TOTALLY CANON. XD


ceathair February 1 2010, 05:12:59 UTC
*_* !!!!!!!!

Seriously, this is the Christmas gift I've wanted and hadn't gotten yet.
I'm so happy I've won the auction. Incredibly happy.
I'm... gathering my thoughts here.
Thank much. This was amazing, I love it.

I think I'll go reread it again. At least 4 times more. :P <3


peroxidepest17 February 1 2010, 05:21:44 UTC


ceathair February 1 2010, 05:47:05 UTC
Are you kidding ( ... )


peroxidepest17 February 2 2010, 19:40:43 UTC
Ahaha yes, 5k was the reason for the delay! I actually had the first 1k written during the weekend I told you I'd work on it but then it sort of ran away with me a LOT and got to 4.5k, and then after beta-ing went to 5. LOL Clearly you chose a very inspiring prompt! Though I was like "what am I going to do with yamanade?" for the longest time and then I was like...TEGO AND LASERS.

My bias, let me show you it LOL.

Again, thanks so much for the bids and the patience, and I'm really, really happy you enjoyed the story. ^_^


snow_meow February 1 2010, 07:03:35 UTC
I am just wondering does this mean this is the end of JE Gov AU fics. I really love reading this series ( ... )


peroxidepest17 February 2 2010, 19:33:48 UTC
I kind of wonder how Uchi feels about it too, but given the way JE works we'll never be able to see or hear about it for reals ORZ.


killer_jock February 1 2010, 09:20:42 UTC
OMG you updated! OMG you updated!!!! (*o*)

Glad you finally updated! I've been waiting for this for ages! You don't know how much you've had me going with all your NEWS/JE Gov AU's. Kudos to such a wonderful fic! =)

Wait. There's more, right? You're sure to write more, right?? Pretty please say yes. Really looking forward to more action (and crack, and everything in between). ^^v


peroxidepest17 February 2 2010, 19:33:12 UTC
I was planning to update eventually, promise! LOL It's just that ceathair pushed me into not being lazy about it anymore.

We'll see about what happens after this LOL I might need another push for installment next, knowing me. >>


killer_jock February 3 2010, 00:56:52 UTC
Should I do the honor of pushing you into working? Hehehe =)

But seriously. Truly looking forward to reading the next installments. Good luck on it!



peroxidepest17 February 3 2010, 03:51:17 UTC
I don't know, it depends on how motivating you can be I guess. I do plan on having another auction thread on help_haiti the next round, so we'll see. XD


pinklunacy February 1 2010, 21:56:01 UTC
I guess I rushed to read this too fast because at first, I had not seen it was part of your gov AU. So when realization hit me, it felt even better :D

I'm having some kind of crush for Uchi lately - Yamanade is obviously very much to blame for that - and this was just so perfect. I love his quiet, matter-of-fact character. How he never freaks out over his amnesia though his mind is an obvious mess. And the way you took him out of NEWS is very clever. I'm actually glad you didn't make him return to NEWS because I've always found this AU awesome for you managed to stick to the exact reality and the story never suffered from it :)
And, well, a bias is a bias, but your Tegoshi is wonderful :D

I'm so glad you're still writing pieces of this AU. It's as great as in my best memories. thank you ♥


peroxidepest17 February 2 2010, 19:32:00 UTC
Oh god Uchi crush is understandable! Uchi looks GORGEOUS in Yamanade; I think it is the hair and the fact that he is totally wearing Maru's clothes and thus looks smart. I don't know he's so ridiculously hot when I look at him on the screen as Takenaga. XD


pinklunacy February 3 2010, 13:13:11 UTC

lol at the Maru-clothes comment :D Don't know if that makes him look smart, though. to me, he looks very very dumb in that drama every now and then (but also very, very gorgeous, yes <3). The four of them look like idiots most of the time, actually which is why I'm enjoying this drama so much


peroxidepest17 February 3 2010, 17:03:49 UTC
LOL Okay smart might be pushing it, but the clothes definitely make him looks smarter. XD


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