JE/KAT-TUN- "Panic at the Disco (Stayin' Alive)"

Apr 06, 2009 22:35


Title: Panic at the Disco (Stayin' Alive)
Universe: JE ( Gov AU)
Theme/Topic: N/A
Rating: PG
Character/Pairing/s: Jin, Nakamaru (appearances by Yamapi, Tackey and Tsubasa, and mentions of other KT members)
Warnings/Spoilers: ooc, random, bad police procedural, the usual.
Word Count: 4,510
Summary: After Jin’s return from America, he ( Read more... )

je au, jin, je, tackey, kat-tun, yamapi, nakamaru, je gov au, tsubasa

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Comments 18

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peroxidepest17 April 7 2009, 20:41:43 UTC


ryogrande April 7 2009, 13:51:15 UTC
fuck, i'm sad i didn't think of using this title first. D:


ryogrande April 7 2009, 14:08:07 UTC
“I push on it, right? Right on it? Or…that will hurt? Around it?

no, that's not sexual at all. no innuendo here. YOU'RE A PERVERT IF YOU THINK SO. >.>

while Nakamaru panics uselessly all around him.

he is very good at that, i hear. XD

and takes measurements of places where no other man has gone before.


My nose sweats!


edit: After the months of being away he's more used to working alone than on the team

I bet Kame can learn chemistry.

why do i have that retarded you+me=chemistry song in my head. D:

More than anything else, he remembers how each of the agents he’d met in his time overseas had been able to perfectly stand on his or her own.

oh god i just remembered exactly who the american agents ARE and died a little inside. XD

and goes back to Ueda and says something about lavender instead.


Nakamaru’s shirt is tied tight around it

this means that maru has no shirt. *___* i want a shirtless maru for my birthday too, k? XD

He peels off the stickers and switches them around with ( ... )


peroxidepest17 April 7 2009, 20:42:49 UTC
AHAHA Nakamaru stripping was not part of the original concept. IT JUST KIND OF HAPPENED. XD



peroxidepest17 April 7 2009, 20:41:21 UTC
In retrospect I probably should have saved such an awesome title for a fic where it actually has to do with what happens. XD;;


snow_meow April 7 2009, 14:43:38 UTC
I miss reading your Gov AU fics.

It is interesting how Jin's way of thinking changes after he is being saved by Yuichi.


peroxidepest17 April 7 2009, 21:36:23 UTC
Nakamaru's presence heals.


ununoriginal April 7 2009, 16:59:14 UTC
this is still one of the best au's ever! i love how brilliantly u tied in bits of RL info and events. the references make it all the more interesting in the way they sorta parallel jin's dynamic with kat-tun from his return till now :)


peroxidepest17 April 7 2009, 21:36:44 UTC
He seems to be better now than he was. ^_^


zeffy_amethyst April 7 2009, 22:17:29 UTC
Awwww. NAKAMA!!!

Now I want to know what happened with the team's cavity search duty...XDD


peroxidepest17 April 8 2009, 06:07:32 UTC
LOL I... haven't thought of it. XD


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