JE/V6- "Love and Marriage"

Jan 03, 2009 23:12

Title: Love and Marriage
Universe: JE/ V6
Theme/Topic: N/A
Rating: PG
Character/Pairing/s: V6 (implied SakamotoxNagano, mentions of InoharaxSeto Asaka)
Warnings/Spoilers: OOC, random, made up facts.
Word Count: 1,070
Summary: Everyone really knows Sakamoto got married before Inohara did (whether he wanted to or not).
Dedication: I don’t know, Ann ( Read more... )

okada, sakamoto, inohara, je, miyake, v6, morita, nagano

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Comments 28

c0rin January 4 2009, 07:29:23 UTC
Aaw. Yes, I guess Sakamoto is simple like that. : )


peroxidepest17 January 4 2009, 16:41:22 UTC
LOL He has to be when he's surrounded by those idiots. XD


win03die January 4 2009, 07:56:43 UTC
“Welcome to the family. As you can see, everyone is really very stupid, so you and I will just have to do our best to keep them in line.”
SPAZZ. squee.
I LOVE NAGANO like you have no idea.

lol and your sakamoto is the typical guy. the typical guy I'd like to whack but then again he's smart (SIMPLE?) enough to shut his mouth and obey that i might just forgive him ;]

Imagine. Imagine Go taking Tego out after some soccer and them running into Nagano.
-squees some more-


peroxidepest17 January 4 2009, 16:41:57 UTC
LOL Nagano has this amazing habit of saying these really blunt things in a really adorable way, I can't quite pin it, but I Just love how unflappable he is. XD


paper_berries January 4 2009, 10:57:00 UTC
V6 <3


peroxidepest17 January 4 2009, 16:42:06 UTC
I know, right? LOL SIGH.


mkmeikuan January 4 2009, 17:13:31 UTC
This made me go "Awwww" in the end ^_^


peroxidepest17 January 4 2009, 17:24:14 UTC
Haha thank you! ^_^


ayumwu January 5 2009, 00:27:36 UTC
I am just feeling terribly sorry for Seto Asaka. Not that I actually remembered V6's antics when they GOT MARRIED. LOL.

But I guess it's expected given her choice in a husband, like you said. XD


peroxidepest17 January 5 2009, 00:28:57 UTC
LOL I guess it's just proof that Inohara is a lovable idiot. >>


ayumwu January 5 2009, 00:30:10 UTC
Yes, yes. No one can quite beat Inohara. In every aspect. Lol.


peroxidepest17 January 5 2009, 00:34:45 UTC
Speshul child. XD


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