JE/V6- "Love and Marriage"

Jan 03, 2009 23:12

Title: Love and Marriage
Universe: JE/ V6
Theme/Topic: N/A
Rating: PG
Character/Pairing/s: V6 (implied SakamotoxNagano, mentions of InoharaxSeto Asaka)
Warnings/Spoilers: OOC, random, made up facts.
Word Count: 1,070
Summary: Everyone really knows Sakamoto got married before Inohara did (whether he wanted to or not).
Dedication: I don’t know, Ann? LOL We both love V6 well enough. XD
A/N: With how little I actually know about V6 I know should not write them, yet I love them so much anyway. I was whining to Mousie earlier tonight about how I wanted V6 fic, and then realized I shouldn't be one of those hypocritical fangirls who keeps asking for something and never tries doing it herself at least once. So here we are.
Disclaimer: No harm or infringement is meant by this!

At Inohara’s wedding everything goes surprisingly well despite the fact that it is Inohara and he is an idiot and he is getting married. As it is, the groom manages not to make too big an idiot of himself throughout the course of the day under the watchful eyes of his friends and family members, whose monumental efforts turn out to be well rewarded in the end when they all get to see Inohara actually stunned into silence for once, at the sight of his pretty bride making her way down the aisle towards him.

At the same time, Ken and Go even deign to behave themselves surprisingly well despite the lack of supervision on Sakamoto’s part during the ceremony, and as luck would have it, they only have to chase one paparazzi photographer out from behind the potted plants, when they discover him stalking an oblivious Okada through the church.

Afterwards, the day’s toils are repaid in full when the newlyweds declare that dinner will be served at the reception hall, at which there will also be an open bar.

A dangerous prize perhaps (especially considering the average V6 member’s alcohol tolerance level) but as far as Sakamoto is concerned, well-deserved either way.

He needs beer.

Which he gets four glorious cold helpings of, before Nagano reminds him that there is still work tomorrow, early in the morning.

“Don’t be such a nag,” Sakamoto complains, and stares longingly at the well-stocked bar from across the room. He wonders if maybe he can sneak in a few more.

Nagano looks him over. “Maybe one or two more. But Leader, I don’t want to have to cover for you tomorrow morning if you’re hungover.”

Sakamoto beams. “You always were my favorite groupmate,” he declares, and orders a fifth, which is promptly followed by an order for a sixth. “Last one,” he promises automatically, on Nagano’s vaguely disapproving look. “I’ll pay for the cab?”

Nagano laughs helplessly and shakes his head, but doesn’t say no.

All in all, Sakamoto considers it a pretty good day.

At least, until about the time the food gets served. Nagano is busy taking pictures of said food when it happens, but most of the table hears it when the slightly inebriated groom raises his glass declares, “Leader is much older than me! When is Leader getting married, eh? Leader should get married next!”

Sakamoto promptly chokes on his steak.

Nagano resorts to taking pictures one-handed while he absently hands Sakamoto a napkin.

Sakamoto takes it, covers his mouth with it, and glares vaguely in Inohara’s direction. “Stupid, this is your wedding,” he reminds his younger friend, “You shouldn’t talk about anyone else’s wedding but your own! Think of Asaka-chan!”

The bride, much more sensible than her husband despite her taste in men, nods and pokes him in the arm, “You’re making Sakamoto-kun uncomfortable,” she adds, and makes Sakamoto that much more uncomfortable in the process.

Nagano takes pity on him and flags down a passing waiter to order Sakamoto another beer.

Inohara just pouts. “Well Leader is getting on in his years! He should find a nice girl and get married too. Look how good we look!” he points out to his wife, and the two spend a nauseating moment looking warm and googly-eyed at each other.

Luckily Sakamoto’s drink arrives by then, and when he takes it from the waiter, Nagano very clearly gives him a look that says this will be the last one, or he’ll be a mess for work in the morning.

Sakamoto ignores him and promptly moves to guzzle the whole thing, just as Inohara lets out a high-pitched laugh and declares, “Maybe we should hook Leader up with that lady from Takarazuka he likes! That’d be cute, right?”

Sakamoto promptly chokes on his drink, only halfway through.

Nagano wordlessly hands him another napkin.

“What a boring subject, Innochi!” Ken whines in the meantime. He is also, Sakamoto notes, a little bit drunk. Which can’t bode well for anyone. “Leader is already married, ne!” he chirrups.

The entire table goes dead silent.

“Eh?!” followed by disbelieving laughter is Inohara’s very articulate response.

Ken grins and leans on a slightly pink-faced Okada while Go clumsily steals grilled shrimp off of Ken’s plate. The three of them look like they know exactly what’s what.

Sakamoto doesn’t like it automatically, and thinks to himself that they’ll always be brats to him. Fourteen, twenty, going on thirty, it doesn’t matter. Brats. Forever.

Okada proves him right by putting a finger up in the air and clarifying for Ken. “You can’t just break up okaasan and otousan like that,” he explains, and motions vaguely to Nagano and Sakamoto with an air of great mischief. “I don’t want divorced parents.”

Another moment of silence.

Which is eventually broken by Inohara’s grinning realization. “That’s true! Oh, I almost forgot!” he breathes helplessly, and even Nagano pauses in his gourmet photo-taking to look vaguely put out as the rest of the group dissolves into helpless giggles all around them.

Indignant, Sakamoto automatically turns to Nagano for help, or for hints at some sort of brilliant strategy to present a united defense.

Or at the very least, permission to have another beer.

He gets none of those things.

Not even the beer.

Instead, as Nagano very calmly begins cutting his steak, he turns and conversationally tells Asaka-chan, “Welcome to the family. As you can see, everyone is really very stupid, so you and I will just have to do our best to keep them in line.”

Sakamoto wants to take offense at that-what happened to the united front?- except that something about the way Nagano says it means that they’re done with this topic of conversation. As the case may be, it may or may not have something to do with what Okada secretly calls “Okaasan’s scary voice.”

Thankfully, everyone else-even drunk Inohara- does not bring up another word about Sakamoto’s marriage prospects for the rest of the night.

Consequently, Sakamoto doesn’t get any more beers after that either, and Nagano holds him to the whole cab fare promise on the way home.

All in all, not as good a day as it had first started out.

Yet sadly enough, still one of the few Sakamoto supposes he can count as having more win on his part than not.

He’s always been a simple seven-beer guy like that.



okada, sakamoto, inohara, je, miyake, v6, morita, nagano

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