
Aug 21, 2009 10:27


[A red-haired young man is standing just inside a vast park, inside one of the many train cars. He's been searching for this place since day one.

All around him are trees and grass, there's more than a few bird songs reaching his ears, there's even something similar to sunlight high above the treeline. A flurry of movement by Lavi, well-worn boots tossed against a wall near the door as well as his old USMC jacket. On his feet now are his flame designed Air Treks, those special shoes with motors in the wheels.

The grin on Lavi's face is wider than those who know him have seen, yeah he's in a happy place. As such he starts the motors and zooms off into the foliage so quickly it looks like the ground he left behind is on fire.

Wait. It is. But then it fades, leaving the grass as pristine as it was before albeit with wheel treads in it.]

§ dropped - lavi bookman (air gear), ken hidaka (d. gray-man), § dropped - marlene wallace (bioshock), § dropped - suzaku kururugi (parasite ev

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