(no subject)

Apr 02, 2004 13:31

Forgive me for misusing you all. Here is my second piece of smut. I have tried my best to format it, which may not be good enough. Each and every single mistake is mine.

Author: Esteven
disclaimers: No infringement of the following characters and situations is intended. The Characters belong to Patrick O’Brian , the movie to whoever holds rights to it,their looks to the actors.I am writing for my own enjoyment.
Rating: The following contains material rated NC-17, depending on your cultural background.
characters: ( movie) Jack/Stephen
note: one of the ideas a girl might get from watching; and for ghazalah who asked about one of my favourite scenes; may it surface in the special edition

After Dinner
Stephen was in sick bay, busy with a broken leg, a sprained shoulder and a number of cuts and bruises that had happened while Surprise had been refitted.

"Sir, sir."

"Yes, Mr. Williams?"

"Compliments of the captain, and will you need some help to finish before dinner with the gunroom. That's in one bell, sir."

"My thanks to him and I do not require anything, Mr. Williams."

"What makes Jack think I would have forgotten the invitation.",he said to himself. Turning to his next patient he had already banished this trifling matter from his mind.

"Which I have brought your clothes for you to change here." Killick breathed down his neck and prodded, pushed and tweaked at him. As soon as he was finished, he turned the doctor towards the stairs. "One hand for myself and one for the ship, I know,Killick." glared Stephen when the captain's steward tried to help him along to the great cabin.

Stephen noticed the lines of tension around Jack's eyes and decided to behave. He knew how his friend sometimes despaired of his dreaming away at the table while everyone else made an effort to contribute to the flow of conversation."Good grief"thought Stephen,"not the weevils."Jack was now in fine form. He was about to make a pun, Stephen was certain; and at his expense, no doubt."Still,what is a little loss of dignity compared to making you laugh,joy."Stephen sighed to himself and put on his glasses.

"...the lesser of two weevils."Brilliant rays of blue darted from the slits of Jack's eyes, his face alight with unbridled mirth and satisfaction.He had made it to the punchline without losing his train of thought.Stephen almost laughed,but checked himself quickly.He put on a credibly bewildered expression and congatulated himself on having made Jack laugh.

After they had all drunk His Majesty's health,the officers filed out on to the deck.Jack had authorized an extra ration of grog because all hands had worked so very hard and diligently to repair the ship. The sounds of a fiddle wafted from the deck.

"Captain, may I beg a word with you about Tomkins?" asked Stephen. Jack had been at the door and turned, now serious. "Certainly, Doctor, has he taken a turn for the worse?" There was silence between them while Killick and his mate Grimble cleared the table completely. As soon as those two had left, Jack inquired again. "Doctor, I asked, what is am..." Stephen had grabbed for the coat lapels, drew him close and silenced the question with an urgent kiss.

"Stephen, please, someone..." another kiss and nibbles along the jaw.

"They are all on deck. Can you not hear the music?"

"Joy, what has come over you? Not that I am complaining, mind."

"You, Jack, only you; and will you not make fun of me again at dinner." More kisses. Jack just managed to secure the door.Stephen deftly undid the breeches and burrowed his hands inside.He went to his knees in front of Jack, whose eyes glazed over and whose answer was lost in low gasps. Stephen nibbled his way softly up and down the taught length,his right hand slightly squeezing and pulling Jack's balls. He flicked his tongue over the shaft's weeping head, kissed it and drew back to admire the view.Above him, Jack only gasped and held back his groans as best he could,trying for some control. "Please,Stephen.I need..."

"Please,Stephen,what? Tell me what you need."The doctor had no intention to hurry;Jack might as well pay for the pun."Stephen, your mouth, please."Jack was begging now and Stephen took pity on him. He leaned forward and engulfed the length of flesh. He relaxed his throat muscles and took Jack as deep as possible, rimming the length gently with is teeth starting to suck in earnest.

Jack felt Stephen's breath on the base of his shaft, a wet tongue swirling from side to side. Jack stiffened with his back against the wood. "Ste..." he bit down on his fist to stifle his shout and released into Stephen's throat. Stephen withdrew and licked his lips smugly. "That will teach you, plum." He got to his feet and breathed deeply to regain his equilibrium. Jack had sagged against the door, while arranging himself with trembling fingers. Then he reached up for Stephen to claim a gentle kiss, tasting himself and to nibble at a conveniently near lower lip."Do you need a hand? Shall I help

"No, I am well and will be looking forward to continuing our conversation later, provided you will not be tired out." Stephen smiled into blue eyes, wondering for the hundredth time how that lock of blond hair always escaped the black ribbon. He twirled the strand around one finger."Now, let us go, before someone gets suspicious."

They ascended the stairs and Stephen admired the fine view in front of him; he looked around and dared a quick brush and a grope at Jack's backside. Jack started, breathed out and took the rest of the stairs. On deck he reached for one of the coffee cups on the tray and needed considerable self control to keep cup and saucer from cluttering in his fingers.

"Well done,Stephen."he said after a glad Bonden had called to the doctor with the good news about his cousin.He turned,standing close.Stephen held his cigar.For a second they smiled at each other.Then Stephen inclined his head slightly and looked at his friend,eyes twinkling with mischief.Jack read the promise and the threat in Stephen's laughter and,suddenly shy,batted down his eye-lids.

"Oh, my sweet heart, you will blush next."thought Stephen with deep affection.He was very satisfied with himself and lifted his cigar.

author/artist: e, fanfiction, rating: nc-17

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