Second Perfect_Duet Christmas Calendar!

Nov 11, 2010 20:04

Dear fellow fen,

It has been brought to my attention that we are nearing Christmas. I, clever girl that I am, then deduced all by myself that this means we are also nearing the time of Christmas calendars. Seeing as I have fond memories of last year's Perfect Duet Christmas Calendar and assume you feel the same, how about a repeat performance, people? This is your chance to get some fannish goodness to shorten (well, felt shortening, not literal) the waiting period to the 24th of December and make the days until the popular and worldwide celebrated fest of gifts, overeating, and family get-togethers go faster. And for those of us (like me) who haven't written, drawn, or created as much as they wanted this year and feel the need to produce some more fics, art, etc. this is the perfect chance to secure their place on the list of the fen who have been good. Yes, I still believe that, if we are all real good, we'll get that sequel.

So, if you are up to it, let's have another Christmas Calendar! Same rules, same place, same time as last year:

- You can reply here to claim a day (or two, or three) on which you'll post your contribution. I'm hoping we'll get all 24 days covered, and, who knows, maybe we'll even end up having more than one entry on some days. I will edit this post from time to time, adding your names to the dates you pick. Anyone volunteering to go first or last gets virtual schoggi!
At what time of day you post is up to you; seeing as we all live in different time zones posting 'in the morning' seems infeasible.

- As for your contribution, any size, shape or form is fine. Fics from drabble to epic length, poems, songs, drawings, comics, manips, vids, ice sculptures… anything goes.

- Content-wise: Permitted are all genres, as well as gen, het and slash of all ratings (properly labelled). We usually focus on Jack/Stephen (slash or not) in this comm but welcome other pairings within the Master and Commander universe as long as Jack and/or Stephen get a mention somewhere. And, as this is for obvious reasons a no-go, no sex with or between underage characters.

Did I forget anything? Don't hesitate to let me know about any ideas or suggestions.

December 01 - sidlj
December 02 - alltoseek
December 03 - geekmama
December 04 - fullofowls
December 05 - almostjulie
December 06 - tootsiemuppet
December 07 - johanirae
December 08 - des_pudels_kern
December 09 - ylla
December 10 - alex2006band
December 11 - sidlj
December 12 - le_russe_satan
December 13 - hrh_taliesin
December 14 - sarlania
December 15 - elina_elsu
December 16 - takadainmate
December 17 - sospan_fach
December 18 - ashley_pitt
December 19 - morelindo
December 20 - enkanowen
December 21 - teh_elb
December 22 - eglantine_br
December 23 - swiss_kun
December 24 - latin_cat

EDIT: esteven has kindly given us author and rating tags! *points at tags* Isn't this awesome? Thank you, Esteven! *dances around happily* Tags! :D (Shush, sometimes I am stereotypically German.) Please tag your posts, be they for the CC or not, properly. Anyone searching through a comm looking for something specific knows how much easier life is with tags. Should you find yourself in need of a tag that doesn't exist just add a note to the mods to your post asking them to please create it, I'm sure they'll happily do so.

christmas calendar

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