*looks around cheerfully*
Many have already signed up, which is a wonderful feeling because it shows to me that our little comm is still alive. Nevertheless, despite the efforts of our dear Advent Calender Moderators, there are still a few open slots. This is the present list, supplied by ylla:
1st -
justincase2nd -
kojikohai3rd -
ylla (happy to change)
4th -
justincase5th -
alltoseek6th -
justincase7th -
ylla8th -
miki_moo9th - justincase
10th -
amaraal11th -
cienna12th -
sharpiefan13th -
kojikohai14th -
esteven15th -
zilah16th -
ashley-pitt17th -
eglantine_br18th -
luzula19th -
alcyone30120th -
pollyandr321st -
feroxargentea22nd -
Takadainmate23rd -
le_russe_satan24th -
latin_cat Any more takers? Please do come and join the fun, whether with fic or photos, press cuttings and artwork. You are most welcome. :)