Perfect Duet's paid account and the Oakum Meme (II)

Feb 03, 2012 13:25

Some lovely person was so kind to gift perfect_duet with two months of paid time. Whoever it was, please pm me, so I can thank you properly. :D The gift makes the Oakum Meme so much easier because it brought the subject headers back.

So, once more onto the breach:

Here at this post you will find all prompts/requests we have so far received on LJ and on DWRead more... )

fanfiction, admin, meme: oakum

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Wine-dark Sea, chapter 10 - hurt/ill Jack - comfort!Stephen anonymous February 3 2012, 13:39:30 UTC
'If you spend another two minutes up to your neck in water at this temperature, striving to do so, I will not answer for your life,' said Stephen. 'Last time it was nip and tuck, with hot blanket, fomentations, and half a pint of my best brandy.'

I crave hurt/ill!Jack and comfort!Stephen. Someone please tell me what happend Last-Time-When-It-Was-Nip-And-Tuck


Nip and Tuck (part 1) anonymous February 9 2012, 15:13:30 UTC
“If you spend another two minutes up to your neck in water at this temperature, I will not answer for your life,” said Stephen. “Last time it was nip and tuck, with hot blanket, fomentations, and half a pint of my best brandy.”
-The Wine-Dark Sea, chapter 10

Author’s note: This story starts out in the last chapter of The Wine-Dark Sea (in which the HMS Surprise is maimed by an encounter with an iceberg, by a run-in with an enemy frigate, and finally by a lightning strike). Then it dashes off in the opposite direction, ignoring canon and assuming that the Surprise never meets the Berenice and has no option but to bear away for the nearest attainable land. “Naturally I neither comment on nor criticise Captain Aubrey’s actions,” said Stephen Maturin sourly, helping himself to the meagre broken meats left over from the gunroom’s dinner. “I merely observe that a willingness to delegate has always been considered one of the greatest parts of command, at least by all those opposed to megalomaniacal tyranny in all its forms, and that there ( ... )


Nip and Tuck (part 2) anonymous February 9 2012, 15:16:09 UTC
“How very irritable Grainger has become of late, beneath the genteel veneer,” he thought. “Or is it I who am become irritable with weariness, snapping at Jack for doing no more than his duty and doing it cheerfully at that? He refused his dose, it is true, but then he almost certainly supposed it a purgative that would have confined him to the quarter-gallery tomorrow, the creature. His notions of medicaments are as incurably narrow as any mariner’s, and as incurably expansive too: self-medicating with Billingsworth’s Patent Embrocation, for all love, the merest empirical quackery, and all the time he believes me unaware. It will do him no more good than his quacksalves have done his corneal abrasion. It is the greatest fool that he is; he can barely see out of that eye now, when such a superficial lesion should have been resolved weeks back ( ... )


Nip and Tuck (part 3) anonymous February 9 2012, 15:19:17 UTC
“’E was muttering something about flightless grebe skellingtins, God ’elp him. ’E don’t know where ’e is,” said Killick, unfolding more blankets than Jack had known the ship possessed. “If them fucking idle-arsed tar-spots ’adn’t of chased Mr Adam’s marmoset down this way, we wouldn’t of found ’im till morning ( ... )


Nip and Tuck (part 4) anonymous February 9 2012, 15:22:13 UTC
“Oh! Oh!” Stephen cried, peering at the view for the sake of which he had been carried from the Great Cabin, bundled up in woollen blankets and topped with a vile Monmouth cap in spite of the heat. “Table Mountain, is it not? Have we truly sailed such a distance in almost no time at all ( ... )


Re: Nip and Tuck (part 4) anonymous February 9 2012, 16:55:28 UTC
Personally I don't mind at all that it is ill!Stephen and caring!Jack, this is just so perfectly, perfectly canon in it's reading.

Not a single note out of place, I am utterly in awe of this piece.

“Thank God for idle boys and small monkeys, then,” - this is just Jack's voice to a tee. What bliss! There are not words enough to do it justice, so a simple 'thank you' will have to do I'm afraid...


Re: Nip and Tuck (part 4) anonymous February 10 2012, 18:54:16 UTC
I loved this! Thank you so much for posting...gosh I <3 J.A.&S.M.!!!


Re: Nip and Tuck (part 4) sidlj February 11 2012, 01:48:52 UTC
And... the prompt took a left turn at Albuquerque. *g* But it matters not! What you gave us was as good as it possibly gets, so huzzah!


Re: Nip and Tuck (part 4) anonymous February 14 2012, 14:46:40 UTC
*makes a mental note to turn RIGHT at Albuquerque next time*
*wanders off, muttering "right turn, right turn"*


Re: Nip and Tuck (part 4) anonymous February 14 2012, 15:54:46 UTC
No, no, it is not right turn, right turn
It is nip and tuck; nip and tuck!

Your story is right and good as it is, never you fret, my plum


Nip and Tuck (abject apologies) anonymous February 9 2012, 15:24:04 UTC
I know, I know, Jack was meant to be the one who was ill, but he and Stephen wouldn't listen to me! I am very sorry and will try to do better next time.


Re: Nip and Tuck (abject apologies) anonymous February 9 2012, 17:15:57 UTC
I most certainly appreciate that you have tried very hard, and have come up with such a wonderful fic, that is so perfect in every way, even if it is a reversed prompt. But for this story, it does not matter, and I <3 you for Stephen's observation that Jack, he realised suddenly, was very far from his usual portly self, even if his arms gripped as strongly as ever



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Re: Nip and Tuck (abject apologies) anonymous February 9 2012, 17:48:09 UTC
Like the five thousand ;D

You'll have to log out to be anon...btw, I love your Killick


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