
Feb 20, 2008 12:39

scans of a few postcards I sent. I apparently didn't scan the one I sent to brat, but you can see it here (Teyla).


1. I owed eruthros a highlander postcard since she'd correctly identified Adam Pierson aka Methos in an earlier doodle. The only trouble was I knew I could chibify Methos. It's the nose. And the shoulders. And his body type just generally being generally a sort of large sharp object. Only his ears seem chibi-compliant. So I sent dhaunea an experimental postcard. In which I pretty much failed twice to make a methos chibi, but what the hey.

and second attempt. I went for the over-the-top approach. :)

2. So, eruthros got Amanda instead. Worked MUCH BETTER.

3. Ronin Warriors. My first and enduring love. :D fan_this gets an RW/YST postcard for another version of a "name this fandom!" sort of game.

The missing text says something like: "Ronin Warriors! (Much less 80s than usual)" and "Top Secret Confession: If this were really my OTP, it would be an OT3 and Ryo would be there." (SO TRUE.)

art hl, methos, art, rw, hl, art rw, art bw, postcards

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