Title: Absolution
Characters: Albus Dumbledore, cameos by Aberforth, Snape, and Harry
Rating: PG
Length: 2,200 words
Summary: You don’t expect forgiveness. You do the best you can, always, but you of all people know that it will never be enough.
Warnings: DH spoilers, angst
A/N: Everything belongs to JK Rowling, of course. Quotes from canon are
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Comments 40
It's a staggering, endless, awesome burden, and we needed to see it from his eyes even more than from Harry's, that cracked mirror of his soul, the self-condemnation, the weariness, the inability to lay down the load - or to take comfort in carrying it on.
And above all how brilliant and astonishing and marvelous he really was.
Thank you for that.
Everyone else in there, all the peripheral characters to which Harry is Dumbledore's center, are spot-on and equally fabulous. I especially liked this:
"Sirius apologizes the next morning, of course, but you can tell that he is apologizing not because he didn't mean the words, but because he did." How brilliant is that!?
I'm glad you liked the Sirius part. I don't think it had really struck me until DH what a horrible loss Sirius really was, because after he's gone Harry's main source of guidance is Dumbledore, and of course Dumbledore was never going to be able to fullfill the same role Sirius did. I had had hopes for Remus, but he had too many of his own issues to sort out, it seems.
Thanks again for your review. :D
I had fun with the horcrux part. I'm glad you liked it. At first it was going to be a boggart, but the horcrux scene in DH gave us such wonderful canon to play with that I had to use it. Plus, the boggart wouldn't let me have the two of them interacting, which was what I really wanted. Ariana getting Harry to turn on Dumbledore. *sniffle*
Thanks again. ;)
Thanks for giving me that insight into him--I think it is very believable.
I know exactly what you mean about how this was the most troubling part about Dumbledore. I agree. Half the time I just wanted to jump in the book and shake him, and shout "You think Harry is angry at you for that?!? Something you did over a hundred years ago?" It was like, didn't we go through this once already? Harry was angry with him in OotP too, and it had nothing to do with Ariana and everything to do with Harry feeling abandoned. *sigh* It's just... depressing, because there really wasn't anything he could've done, but that didn't appear to lessen the misery it caused everyone. :-\
Thanks again. :D
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