Title: Absolution
Characters: Albus Dumbledore, cameos by Aberforth, Snape, and Harry
Rating: PG
Length: 2,200 words
Summary: You don’t expect forgiveness. You do the best you can, always, but you of all people know that it will never be enough.
Warnings: DH spoilers, angst
A/N: Everything belongs to JK Rowling, of course. Quotes from canon are
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Ever since OotP it's stuck me how sad the relationship between Harry and Dumbledore really is, because it was always going to be a mess for both of them, wasn't it? At least Harry made his peace with his past, but Dumbledore, apparently, never did. Gah. I'm such a sucker for platonic Harry/Dumbledore angst. That bit with Harry shouting at the end of The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore" was the most tear-jerking part of DH for me. It just.. it drives me crazy, because if Dumbledore could've stopped blaming himself for five minutes he maybe would have realized that all Harry wanted was to know that he cared. *sigh*
As for Sirius, I heard someone say that Dumbledore kept other people from knowing the truth about Harry because Dumbledore didn't want them to try and stop Harry from sacrificing himself. So naturally I had to put in something about what I think of that. I can just imagine Molly having to decide between her family (and the world) and Harry. Not a choice, IMO, Dumbledore would have wished on anyone, including himself. That line you quoted is one of my favorites, as well.
*is done rambling*
Thanks again. :D
I'm not sure I'm being any more coherent. :-\ Honestly, thinking about Dumbledore too much gives me a headache. I don't really envy him his position. He didn't have any good options that didn't end in either death&destruction or emo!Harry.
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