Title: Malta Bright (part two of
Four Corners of the Western World) Chapter 4 of 7
pennypaperbrainFandom Sherlock BBC
Betas: Chloe,
eldritchhorrorsRating: NC-17 for this chapter and the fic
Warnings for this chapter: BDSM, figging, depictions of bipolar disorder
Pairing: Sherlock/John
Wordcount: 6,265
Spoilers: All six episodes
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of these
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Comments 9
You already allude to Sherlock recognizing his NEED for John and his fear that John hates him. No where do we hear his love for John.
Can the love that drove him to jump off the building exist alongside the madness?
Just airing the thoughts that surfaced as I read.
This is quite extraordinarily great writing. I feel as if you have a firsthand deep knowledge of Malta and Vegas. And I love Sherlock in his tourist clothes. I love John's handling of the "Scenes". You are an exceptionional talent. I can't wait for the next part!
Mm. Yes. I think they both tacitly realise that towards the end of the chapter. It's one of the reasons Sherlock is quite so desperate not to lose the plot while scening. He does love John - that's why he called him at the end of Vegas High - but at the moment he's so busy surviving that it doesn't really come through. There's going to have to be some overt John-loving soon or the strain will start to show. And we may well see this in the next fic in the series.
I'm really glad this helps you understand some of the issues in a way that's relevant to your own life. One of the reasons I'm writing it is that when I found out I was bipolar and went on a research tear I found surprisingly little material that I felt represented my personal experience.
Also Wordstrings does an inside out Sherlock that I find fascinating.
I don't mean to make light of your condition. I do find your explaination of walled rooms, and losing and recreating each moment to explain so much of my daughter's behavior. She has been diagnosed by one therapist with bipolar, but she quickly rejected that and stopped seeing him.
I do think you are doing a great servise to the world by writing this all down.
I hope you find sources of information and hope.
People with bipolar often reject the diagnosis for a long time before accepting it. That's the opposite of my experience - I figured out the problem for myself, which apparently is so rare a thing that it made the psychiatrist think I couldn't have the condition and must be imagining it (!!) - but I understand it is very common. I hope your daughter can find some explanation and tratment that works for her.
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