Title: Malta Bright (part two of
Four Corners of the Western World) Chapter 4 of 7
pennypaperbrainFandom Sherlock BBC
Betas: Chloe,
eldritchhorrorsRating: NC-17 for this chapter and the fic
Warnings for this chapter: BDSM, figging, depictions of bipolar disorder
Pairing: Sherlock/John
Wordcount: 6,265
Spoilers: All six episodes
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of these
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My heart bleeds for Sherlock, frightened and caught in this vicious circle with only one switch, tripping suddenly and uncontrollably, but no way out.
But: "what the fuck is wrong with me?" sounds like a turning point. Sherlock begins to do some meta on himself (how brave of him), and thankfully John is there to help as best he can, leaving behind for the moment his own hurts, wounds and fears.
I was immensely relieved reading the first assessment scene. There is shared awareness of a problem, a first recognition of its nature, and an agreement for collaboration. John doesn't make a single wrong step. Sherlock neither; his hand on John's, after what came just before, is nothing less than moving.
Whew. I hate having to wait a week (or more) for the rest.
Btw and OT, have you noticed that PoL is going to reach 10000 accesses very soon? 9915 a moment ago. (Yes, I do go and check daily).
Thank you.
I'm afraid Ch6 of Malta Bright is going to take a while, in part because I'm getting burnt out and in part because I have a holiday coming up. But Ch5 shouldn't be too long a wait.
Sherlock in this fic - and in canon, if I read him right - is not used to examining himself or his past. But what's happening to him is so frightening it forces him to. It's become possible for him in part because he has John to provide context.
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