Series Post: February

Feb 17, 2009 09:09

I finished a series of drabbles using prompts from numb3rs100 a while ago, so now I'm organizing them all here. Expect to see some of this admin stuff and new lists coming through in an attempt to better organize all this for my darling readers (and to give new readers an easy way to get started). Apologies in advance for what it may or may not do to your flist. -- Mags

Series: February
Author: penguingal
Rating: NC17 overall
Pairings: Don/Billy, Don/Ian, Don/Colby, Don/Charlie, and one Don gen
Warnings: Incest
Disclaimer: None of these boys belong to me
Feedback: Continues to be welcome
A/n: A Don drabble series using all of the December prompts at N100. Title of the series comes from a Dar Williams song by the same name.

Cabin Fever
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