Fic: Musings

Mar 23, 2009 20:49

This is not something I thought I would ever write but I was pounced on by this plot bunny and it was cute, very hard to refuse so this is the result. It was written while I was half asleep, maybe that helped, I'm not sure. Anyway, I'm not sure if this is a fandom I can do well so concrit is welcome but please be gentle!

Title: Musings
Fandom: Doctor Who
Ship: N/A
Genre: Fluff, Introspection
Rating: U
Prompt: N/A
Word Count: 399
Author's Notes: My first attempt at writing anything in this fandom so it's very rough and ready.
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by the BBC. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Summary: Musings about the Doctor and the lifestyle he leads, but from whose point of view?

There are times that I think I'm getting too old for this. But that only makes me wonder exactly how long it is that I've been travelling about like this: jumping from place to place, constantly moving, never staying longer than the time necessary to right whatever wrong there is or occasionally to heal those wounds caused by too much running, too many partings, too much sorrow. It's hard to keep track when time is constantly changing and you can move from century to century in less time than it takes to make a cup of tea.

One thing is for sure though. It's been a long long time. And my age is beginning to show. I suppose, to tell the truth, it's been showing for a while now, but I've been trying to ignore it the best I can. Ignore the twinges and the creaking and the fading facade. Underneath it all, I'm still the same. Despite the external changes - and it's been far too long since I last had one of those - despite the occasional switch of attire, I'm still me. Battered and bruised and rough round the edges but still as perky and obstinate and unpredictable as ever.

There's the one other constant of course, my companion. The face may change, and just lately that's been happening with startling rapidity, but it is always me and my companion. Just the two of us, twirling through time and space, like an elegant two-step amongst a celestial backdrop. Always searching for something new and different as if trying to avoid the knowledge that no matter how far we run, we can never go back. We have to keep moving on because there is nothing else and nowhere else to go. All we have is each other. I wouldn't have it any other way though. We make a great team, the perfect partnership. We work so well together, we know each other intimately by now. And I am the one constant in my companion's life, the only one that he can rely on. Without me, he is nothing. And without him, I am nothing. But together... oh, together we are unstoppable. My Doctor, my beloved. I will take you wherever you want to go. I will shield you. I will protect you. And I will always be here for you. To the end of time, and beyond.

All feedback gratefully received and appreciated.

doctor who fic, complete, one-shot, ficlet/short fic

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