Fic: League of Extrordinary Winchesters (Part the Ninth)

Aug 19, 2009 00:03

Fic: League of Extrordinary Winchesters (Part the Ninth)
Series: Chance Winchesterverse
Summary:Ben gets yet another fractured history lesson.
Author: pen37
Beta: daisybalance
Fandoms: Smallville/Supernatural
Characters: Chance, Ben,  Chloe, Dean
Rating: PG-13 to R for Adult Humor.

Ch. 1, Ch. 2, Ch. 3, Ch. 4, Ch. 5, Ch. 6, Ch. 7, Ch. 8, Ch. 9, Ch. 10

Written for  spawnfic tues

Samuel Colt looked from Matthias Elkins to the three men and the one woman and back with a doubtful expression.

“Are you sure about this?” he asked Matthias for a second time.

Matthias nodded. “Trust me Sam. I’ve had dealings with this Winchester family before. They’re trustworthy. If they say they can get the job done, they can.”

“They don’t look much like railroad men.” He looked at the woman. “I’m assuming they won’t be doing the hard lifting.”

“Security,” Matthias said. “You’ll need it for this project.”

Samuel nodded emphatically at that assessment. “So be it,” he said.


The demons didn’t choose to attack the hellgate during the day. Instead they slunk in at night, past half-lain tracks and up to the campsite. They bypassed the workman’s tents, knowing that the Irish and Chinese labor that had been brought in to help with this project would wait until they had slaughtered the foremen.

Just as the leader reached for the tent flap, the entire covering was thrown back: To reveal a young man with a Gatling gun. Which wouldn’t have worried them . . . except for the protective symbols worked into the barrel.

“Uh oh,” the lead demon said.

Famous last words.


Ben dusted off his hands when he’d run out of ammo, and looked around. Not a demon left in sight. The early machine gun had sounded like a cat dropped into a fireworks factory with its tail on fire. If Mr. Colt hadn’t moved the workman’s camp a few hours earlier, they would have woken up to watch the demonic slaughter.

Chance walked up, surveyed the carnage and made an unhappy face. “You killed them?”

“Listen princess, we didn’t exactly have a tape of Uncle Sam Latinating, or a loudspeaker to play it on. Besides, these guys look like they got snatched from the State Pen.”

“Mom’s not going to be happy,” Chance said.

“Which is why we’re going to chuck the bodies down the gate before she sees ‘em.” Ben said.   “Think that got all the demons?”

Chance did a quick tally in his head. Ben was impressed. He didn’t even need his fingers. “Think so. But you never know. I think dad wants to hang around until they get the concrete poured for the crypt and the ties laid for the railroad.”

“Figures. Once that happens, you know how to get in touch with that angel dude?”

“I think Mom does,” Chance said.  “At least, we know his name. So we can direct a prayer to him.”

Ben snorted at that. “For someone who got kicked out of catechism, you guys sure are in tight with the man upstairs.”

Chance shrugged. “Why not? If Dad can raise hell and still be a warrior of God, I’m thinking that flunking lessons in being a good Catholic is not so much a worry.”

Ben grunted as he heaved a body over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry and turned toward the hole in the ground where the crypt would be built. “Not so much.”

A/N: Well, that just about wraps up the great Chanceverse steampunk adventure.  I'll have one more chapter next week, which will be the much-asked for scene between Castiel and Alfred.

chance winchester, chance winchesterverse, dean winchester, chloe, chloe/dean, spawnfic_tues, dean, ben braeden

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