Fic: The End of All things (1/4)

Jul 29, 2008 21:10

Fic: The End of All Things (1/4)
Series: Chance Winchesterverse
Summary:  Dean and Chloe at the end.   
Author: pen37
Fandoms: Smallville/Supernatural
Characters: , Chloe, Chance, Dean, Ben
Rating: pg
Warning: Character Death

Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3, Ch 4
When I introduced Ben to this series, I wrote that Chloe wasn't aging, due to her powers.  Someone asked me if that meant that her family would grow old while she stayed young.  I wrote this fic in answer to that question.

Is it the end?  No. No matter what, life goes on.   I still intend to write profusely from this series.  Chloe and Dean had adventures between meeting and this.  But it will be the last listed story in the Chancefic series.  So I suppose, in a very real sense, this is the end of all things.

A palpable air of sadness hung over the Winchester family as they stood at the hospital doorway and looked inside.

In the room itself, a young blonde woman sat next to a sleeping, aged man, stroking his hand gently. If he felt the pressure, he gave no indication. The steady beeping of a heart monitor was the sole indication that Dean Winchester lived.

Finally, the tallest of the group cleared his throat and spoke.


Chloe looked up at her family, and shook her head.. “It's no use, Chance. You can't heal old age.”

Chance looked down again, and nodded slowly.

As if sensing what was needed, Chloe smiled gently as she stood. “You should take a few minutes and talk to him. He can still hear you.”

She hugged her son briefly and then brushed past the rest of the family.

If she noticed that Ben had detached himself from the group to follow her to the coffee vending, she gave no indication.

Ben watched as she slid a handful of change into the machine took a cup of steaming liquid, and drank it quickly, grimacingat the taste. Finally he cleared his throat. She looked up, and raised an eyebrow.

“When are you going to tell us the rest?”

He thought she might deny it, but instead she smiled gently at him. “When did you figure it out?”

“Wasn't hard,” Ben shook his head. “You've been moving slow and kind of stiff ever since the old man went down.”

Chloe chuckled at that. “He'd kick your ass for calling him that.”

Ben nodded. “What's going on?”

She shook her head. “I never could keep anything secret from you,” she sighed. “I'm dying.”

Ben's eyebrows scaled his forehead. “How?”

“The same way everyone does,” Chloe said. “My body is just wearing out.”

Ben shook his head. “I don't buy that, Chlo. You still look twenty three. It's tied to the old man, isn't it? You're dying with him.”

Chloe shrugged. “Maybe. I'm not sure.” She looked at him speculatively. “Let me tell you a story. It might clarify things. You can make what you want of it. And when we're gone, you can tell it to the others.”

Ben nodded. “I'm all ears.”

chance winchester, spawnfic_tues, chance winchesterverse, dean, smallville, supernatural, chloe

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