time for internets? on a weeknight????

Feb 16, 2012 20:57

So two weeks in, and I finally feel like I'm achieving some equilibrium with the dog. I should clarify that she's really doing fabulously! Any new dog is going to take a while to settle in, and any new dog's person is going to take a while to get used to the new routine. Considering that I adopted a potentially finicky breed with an absolutely ( Read more... )

gretta!!!!!, castle, x-files

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pellucid February 17 2012, 20:46:43 UTC
Fortunately, I think Castle is the kind of show that won't jump the shark with an ep like this. It's like last season's nuclear bomb episode: they need to work the big and ridiculous out of their system, and then they'll return to what works for them. This show also has the ability, especially with the big eps that deal with Beckett's mother's case, to make the epic eps truly great, so I'll let it slide now and then.

Still, just about anything is improved by the presence of Jack Bristow. And Sydney and Beckett would totally bond, I think. :)


kernezelda February 17 2012, 04:58:41 UTC
I didn't know who Lev Grossman was, just picked up three of his novels from the library, and now two people on LJ have referred to his article.

It's wonderful that you and Gretta are bonding and finding a rhythm together! *pats Gretta, gives you a cookie*


pellucid February 17 2012, 20:50:14 UTC
I didn't love his novel The Magicians (or rather, I really loved parts of it and then really didn't much care for other parts of it), and I haven't read any of his others (though I intend to), but it's just sort of uncanny how many relatively particular interests we have in common. Not just the fan culture stuff, but that combined with book history, book reviewing, etc. Hell, the guy even wrote an article on Leonard Woolf, who is not exactly a hot topic in any circle (though he should be, because he's awesome!!! I love LW!). Mostly, this all means that at some point I'd really love to sit down and have a cup of coffee with Lev Grossman.

And yes, Gretta and I are making it! Though she's driving me a little crazy today... :) You can't win them all!


dm_lunsford February 17 2012, 14:16:29 UTC
It is interesting to re-visit a fandom, particularly a significant one, after a long period of time. I was trying to think back... isn't Season 2 the bulk of time when GA was pregnant? I seem to remember thinking at the time that playing the 'kidnap' angle was fairly clever for working around that real-life event, but like you I had forgotten that it happened with such frequency that season. As for the 'let's poke a little fun at ourselves' concept, I wonder if a show has to wait until it's found its footing before it can really do that well? Would an episode like that have worked as well during an earlier season? Or maybe it might have, but again with the pregnancy, they had other issues to work around. This makes me want to take a look at the SG-1 series and see if there was a particular time when the show did that sort of thing as well. Then again, SG-1 had something of a knack for almost never taking itself too seriously, so maybe that wouldn't be as good a comparison ( ... )


pellucid February 17 2012, 20:59:18 UTC
Interestingly, despite the pregnancy, GA was actually around a lot. There were a number of eps where she wore big coats and was only shot from the chest up, and then there were two or three eps in which she was effectively absent but clearly shot a scene or two before or after her mat leave in order to make it look like she was there. But she really only missed one episode, completely. So on one hand, yes, the abduction was a clever way to write around her pregnancy (and I do think I remember hearing that that was why they did it), but on the other hand, she wasn't actually gone that much, which is interesting ( ... )


beanpot February 17 2012, 14:28:10 UTC
I was asked all the time how my dog was settling in and I'd just laugh and say, "She's fine - I'm a wreck." They do take up a good amount of time and money and the adjustment is kind of a shock. At about the month mark, I was convinced I would need to return her because I couldn't handle it. Clearly I was wrong and it is just so, so worth it.

And how's the coat working out?


pellucid February 17 2012, 21:06:25 UTC
I will remember this around the month mark, if things take a turn for the worse! I do generally feel like we're making steady progress, but it also all feels fairly tenuous at this point. Mostly I just feel like thinking about the dog is taking up 75% or more of my brain power, and everything else--work, the rest of life--is just getting pushed to the side. I'm looking forward to that part of things sorting itself out ( ... )


beanpot February 17 2012, 22:09:28 UTC
I pondered this as I took Enza out for her walk and there are different parts to that answer. The moment I knew I was never ever ever going to give her up and realized she had wormed her way into my heart was about six weeks into it. She ate something weird, I rushed her to the Evet at midnight and spent two hours crying so hard I was dry heaving. It was awful. After they made her throw up (which I now know how to do at home), she came out, placed her head on my knee and that was it. She was mine, I was hers ( ... )


wendelah1 February 17 2012, 22:06:23 UTC
I'm enjoying it tremendously, though my ship goggles remain pretty broken, which makes the experience of watching it even more different than the first time around. I want to be more annoyed with Mulder than I am; it's like he's somehow exempt from my usual buttons that make me not like a character like him.

I like Mulder much more than I used to. I think spending so much time last year year writing from his pov is what did it for me.

I think the fact that Scully puts up with him tips the balance. Scully still hangs the sun, moon, and stars for me, and I'm very pleased to discover that hasn't changed.

Me, too. She is the best of the best.

And probably the type of XF episode I'm fondest of are the ones where they sort of poke fun at themselves and the entire enterprise, and I hadn't realized that we don't really get that sort of thing beginning until "Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose" in season 3. I didn't miss that note while I was watching seasons 1 and 2, but then I was so glad when it arrived in season 3. Yeah, those are my ( ... )


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