time for internets? on a weeknight????

Feb 16, 2012 20:57

So two weeks in, and I finally feel like I'm achieving some equilibrium with the dog. I should clarify that she's really doing fabulously! Any new dog is going to take a while to settle in, and any new dog's person is going to take a while to get used to the new routine. Considering that I adopted a potentially finicky breed with an absolutely unknown background situation from a shelter, the odds were probably against me, and instead I won the lottery. She's only had two accidents in the house (while I was still learning her schedule), she's been tremendously well-behaved, and she's completely sweet and occasionally hilarious, and I think this will be a pretty great deal for both of us.

But wow, a new dog is a lot of work!!! I figure that there are now at least two hours of every day that are completely dog-focused. These were hours in which I used to do things like read the internet and clean my house. But in the past two days, a small light has appeared at the end of the tunnel: I foresee a future in which I can own a dog and keep up with the internets at the same time!!! That is, I'm starting to find the routine. I think Gretta is, too. Woot!


If having a dog has severely cut into the amount of time I've been able to spend at my computer, it has compelled me to spend a lot of time snuggling on the couch with the pup, and the TV makes good background to that. Mostly I've just been mainlining The X-Files, and I'm now mid-season 3 of the rewatch.

I don't know that I have thoughts about this, particularly. I'd like to have something profound to say about revisiting this iconic series and my first fannish love some 15 years or so down the road, but I don't. I'm enjoying it tremendously, though my ship goggles remain pretty broken, which makes the experience of watching it even more different than the first time around. I want to be more annoyed with Mulder than I am; it's like he's somehow exempt from my usual buttons that make me not like a character like him. I think the fact that Scully puts up with him tips the balance. Scully still hangs the sun, moon, and stars for me, and I'm very pleased to discover that hasn't changed.

Otherwise, season 2 was the season where Everyone Kidnapped Scully, which did not endear it to me, particularly. (Interestingly, both the Duane Barry episode and the Donnie Pfaster episode were among my strongest earliest memories of this show--which I started watching during season 2--but I had forgotten that they happened in such close succession, and that the shape-shifting alien also kidnapped Scully that season.)

And probably the type of XF episode I'm fondest of are the ones where they sort of poke fun at themselves and the entire enterprise, and I hadn't realized that we don't really get that sort of thing beginning until "Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose" in season 3. I didn't miss that note while I was watching seasons 1 and 2, but then I was so glad when it arrived in season 3.

I'm also handwaving the mytharc pretty considerably, knowing that this will be to my benefit later on.


And I've been watching almost nothing that's currently airing, except Castle, which was truly terrible last week, despite Jennifer Beals, whom I love. Except tell me I'm not the only one who thought that an over-the-top spy episode should at least have the decency to be an Alias crossover. I'd pay some actual money for Richard Castle to meet Jack Bristow. IJS.


Finally, my cooler, wealthier alter ego Lev Grossman talks about the subjectivity of book reviewing. I swear, I should quit this whole English professor thing and write novels and popular articles about, well, all the stuff that I write academic articles about and teach to undergrads, and Grossman writes novels and popular articles about. Because his career seems to be going rather better than mine, at present.

Crossposted from DW, where there are
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gretta!!!!!, castle, x-files

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