only one favorite female character????

May 15, 2010 13:19

It appears that V has been renewed for a second season. I'm a little surprised, frankly, but not displeased. The past couple of episodes have improved (lots of Bechdel test-passing in the last one, yay!), and although it still has some not insignificant overall problems, I will be interested to see what they do with a second season ( Read more... )

laura roslin and her awesome, bsg, women are awesome, 30 days of tv meme

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Comments 11

beccatoria May 15 2010, 17:26:15 UTC
Word to every damn thing you said about Laura. Every damn thing.

(ETA: I generally use UK spelling, and I tend to prefer it - more vowels! Fewer zs! But I've always thought both looked fine. Then again I had to endure years pre-computer-spellchecker of getting my American mother to check my english homework spelling and have her miscorrect everything. *les sigh*)


pellucid May 16 2010, 15:01:32 UTC
I get really annoyed when alternate correct spellings get marked off. When I was in the third grade I was a little obsessed with the Chronicles of Narnia and read nothing but those books, over and over again, all year long. I had a British spelling edition. So I started using "favourite" and "colour" and "centre" because that's how they were in the book--and proceeded to get my first B of my young life, in spelling. And even then, I was annoyed because that spelling was correct, it just wasn't American spelling. (And I'm not sure my teacher knew it was correct anywhere, which was part of my annoyance ( ... )


vicki595 May 15 2010, 18:08:42 UTC
(An aside: I have finally lived in Canada long enough that spelling has become a conscious decision. Favourite or favorite? Neither is instinctive anymore, neither looks right, and I feel like my choices in spelling have identity implications. Am I feeling more American today or more Canadian? I find this very frustrating!!!)

Argh, yes! I am absolutely the same, and also with my choice of words; do I speak "American" or "English" and then sometimes I'll even have issues over knowing which term relates back to which culture (rent a car vs. hire a car is my usual problem!)

And then spelling is such an issue; especially when I first started at UConn and was handing in work with English spelling and then losing marks for spelling mistakes!

I took cross-cultural communication this past semester, and we discussed cultural identity and personal identity, and theories of acculturation, but I think that course just raised more questions for me!


pellucid May 16 2010, 15:05:21 UTC
I have no patience for people who take off marks for using correct alternate spellings! "Color" and "colour" are equally correct, and unless there's something in the syllabus specifying American spelling, taking off marks, to me, just demonstrates the ignorance of the marker. Possibly I'm still bitter over the fact that I, too, lost marks for this way back in third grade, even though I knew "favourite" was correct because it was right there in the (British spelling) books I'd been reading!

But yeah. There aren't so many usage difference between the US and Canada (there are a few, but not nearly as many as between the US and Britain), but the spelling does drive me a little nuts.


vicki595 May 17 2010, 21:02:18 UTC
Yeah, me neither. So, I dropped that course (That wasn't the only reason, but that professor just wound me up so badly, that I decided it was worth fighting through red tape to get an exemption for the course, and that was a much better course of action!)

And then this last semester was fun with the different ways in how things are taught with chemistry, and mega issues with linguistics over the difference in pronunciation, because he was saying words and trying to point out the difference in phonetics and I wasn't hearing it, and any suggestions I made, he disagreed with! Sometimes cross-cultural education really, really sucks!


topaz_eyes May 15 2010, 18:34:14 UTC
ahahaha I'm Canadian and use American spellings all the time. But both look right to me. Best of both worlds? :-D

And WORD to Lie to Me. The testosterone in s2 was starting to grate. Official word comes Monday, but the rumor is a 13-ep 3rd season is in the works.

Dana Scully and Susan Ivanova have my vote. Also Donna Noble (Doctor Who) and Leela (points to icon).


pellucid May 16 2010, 15:09:02 UTC
Sometimes they both look right to me; sometimes they both look wrong. I think what frustrates me is that after enough years of consciously using Canadian spellings in particular contexts (academic work, teaching stuff, etc.), my instinct no longer runs to American spelling, yet it doesn't run to Canadian spelling, either. So I have to make a decision, and for some reason having to choose, consciously, between "favourite" and "favorite" seems to be a waste of brain power!

And yes, fingers crossed for Lie to Me!!!


rose_griffes May 15 2010, 20:03:09 UTC
I love your reasons for loving Laura. They make me happy. :)

Hm... who would be my pick? Martha Jones from Doctor Who or Miss Parker from The Pretender? Kara Thrace is on the list of possibles, but I already know Martha beat her out, much to my surprise.


pellucid May 16 2010, 15:10:58 UTC
I have never seen Doctor Who (yes, yes, I know...) or The Pretender, but I will take your word for it that those characters are awesome! I hear good things about a number of the women of Doctor Who, in fact.


(The comment has been removed)

pellucid May 16 2010, 15:24:03 UTC
I did acknowledge Sarah! ;) Though I think my list in order would go something like Laura, then Aeryn, then Sarah. But it's hard to choose between the three of them ( ... )


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