Fic: Sense of Touch (Mac/Stella, CSI: New York)

Aug 06, 2009 12:07

The first result of the fluffy fic experiment is in! Lacking a more appropriate icon, I must go with Mulder and Scully, whom I blame for this whole shipping thing in the first place ( Read more... )

misc. fic, csi: ny fic, fic, csi: ny

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pellucid August 7 2009, 01:25:01 UTC
Well, I've already told you how much more OTT the truth is than even your strangefannish predictions, but otherwise, yeah, you're pretty accurate! ;) Because these are totally procedural archetypes, and the CSI franchise is even thinner on characterization than a lot of them are. Though Mac isn't quite the gruff-until-you-get-to-know-him type; he's really rather a geek, and his problem is being a bit too buttoned-up and repressed, rather than gruff. Though "terse" might be accurate. As for Stella, yes, orphaned at an early age, didn't know anything at all about her family until this episode. Somehow I ended up writing a story that's all about Mac about an episode that was all about Stella; I'm not sure I meant to do that, exactly, but Mac seemed slightly more interesting here.

But as I said in the other post, part of what I love about angsty cop partner pairings is the formulaic nature of it all. There's a certain familiar pleasure that falls in the same category as, I don't know, comfort food and fuzzy slippers!


buffyangellvr23 August 7 2009, 04:11:47 UTC
I wish this had been onscreen. I hate them never wanting to do a ship. Nice job.


pellucid August 7 2009, 12:35:04 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it. And yeah, I'm not exactly holding my breath for any Mac/Stella onscreen. Ah well!


xfirefly9x August 7 2009, 15:59:02 UTC
There are no words for how awesome this is. ♥
Just... brilliant!


pellucid August 7 2009, 20:01:47 UTC
Aw, thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)


sunny_serenity August 7 2009, 21:35:13 UTC
This had me flailing like a flaily incoherent thing. Just. OH, SHIP! *sigh* I have a thing for angsty cop partners. PARTNERS! I'm totally meming this.


pellucid August 8 2009, 02:41:56 UTC
Oh, thank you so much! I'm glad you liked it. And yes, angsty cop partners FTW always! :)


vickysg1 August 8 2009, 08:40:13 UTC
Awesome fic! I don't often read Mac/Stella fics, but I'm glad I read this one!


pellucid August 9 2009, 02:04:08 UTC
Thanks so much!


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