Eye-opening conversation

Mar 10, 2010 22:08

Have you ever had the experience when someone makes a passing comment about their past that TOTALLY surprises you? It happened tonight to me ( Read more... )

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Comments 9

sistermagpie March 11 2010, 04:49:59 UTC
LOL! I love guys with lives like that. Even better if you never knew it until it came up.


tassie_gal March 11 2010, 05:46:33 UTC
Sounds very similar to a friend of mine. I have known him for near on 10 years and about 4/5 years ago we were having a conversation about spies and stuff. I think I was whinging about the fact that the TV show Spooks (I think you guys know it as MI5) wasnt back on in Australia yet. I mentioned a passing interest in espionage and stuff and how I would like to get into that area. He turned around and said "If you are serious I can make a phone call." Totally floored me in the middle of London Waterloo station.


elisem March 11 2010, 06:59:07 UTC
Many years ago, I had a white friend of British extraction whose grandparents lived in India for many years. One day we were talking about family stories, and she told me that her grandfather was an official connected with a certain prison, and that her grandmother used to take blankets to "that nice Mr. Ghandi."


malinaldarose March 11 2010, 11:20:39 UTC
I have a friend who was supposedly a mercenary in South America for a few years in the '70s. Supposedly all the guys in this particular circle of friends know about it, but the women have only heard about it second-hand, so I don't know if it's actually true or not.


crowley March 11 2010, 16:38:13 UTC
My dad, actually.

He was in the Air Force and we lived out here in Las Vegas from about 82/83 to 89, during that time my dad was only home on weekends. I barely remember it because I was so young, but according to my mom, she thought he was a spy because work kept him away for the week.

Turns out he was going up to Tonopah, working on the F-117 Nighthawk (aka the Stealth Bomber). He, of course, couldn't talk about it until years later when everything became declassified. I've always thought it was really cool that my dad was a part of aviation history.


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