Eye-opening conversation

Mar 10, 2010 22:08

Have you ever had the experience when someone makes a passing comment about their past that TOTALLY surprises you? It happened tonight to me ( Read more... )

church, tell me

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Comments 9

merimask March 11 2010, 17:56:07 UTC
That's really amazing. I mean...wow. Think of how many families that guy might have saved . It's a strange way to decrease "world suck" but my hat is off.


rachet March 11 2010, 19:56:06 UTC
Mine is embarrassing ( ... )


rachet March 11 2010, 20:27:38 UTC
Actually,now that I have thought about it, this story doesn't actually fit what you asked. I didn't really have conversations with this guy, mostly just listened to him talk to other people. And the news wasn't actually from him, it was from my great-aunt.

But, still a "Oh! I had no idea" moment.


diatryma March 13 2010, 04:12:33 UTC
Mine are smaller-scale, like learning about when Dad got fed up with teaching and went to California because of a girl. He worked in an oil refinery for eight months or so before missing teaching and going back to it.
Or Uncle Bob, who got married in Reno because my cousin was on the way. It's not the kind of thing I'd expect from him. There's a lot I don't know about him. Or Aunt Nancy's first marriage (or my dad's).


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