OpenSuse 10.0 doesn't offer MPlayer. Downloaded the source. Tried compiling and got stuck at some error. Googlizing revealed that MPlayer compilation doesn't support gcc 4.0.x. Reading docs informed about "installation of multiple version" thingy. Located gcc 4.0.2 install at /usr/lib/gcc/i586-suse-linux/4.0.2/. talked about default location to be /usr/local/gcc and creations of symlinks etc. Will do. Shall see. May update u all about experience by evening.
Sometime back my buddy told me that they are still using gcc 2.9x. I was wondering then why it should matter so much. Now I guess, thanks to this small experiment, I am able to see at least the tip of iceberg. No wonder why people (sys admins) appear so paranoid about kernel and/or tool updates. Updating certain things may mean 'porting nightmares' to them.
Looking forward to bumpy ride. I should enjoy it.