Books read this year

Feb 09, 2010 09:15

3. World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War - Max Brooks
2. Men of Tomorrow: Geeks, Gangsters, and the Birth of the Comic Book - Gerard Jones
1. Maus - Art Spiegelman

World War Z is amazing in every way. Brooks managed to create dozens of characters will full histories and personalities and really got into the details of creating a world that had gone through this kind of trauma. It is realistic and disturbing in parts. I'm a bit nervous about the movie version I've been hearing about because I really don't think that a mere 2-hour film could do this book justice. You might be able to get close with a miniseries, but even then it would be hard to capture the flavor of people who barely survived looking back on a horrific time in their lives. I borrowed the book from a friend this time, but I think I will probably buy it because I will definitely want to read this book again.

book lists, books 2010

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