Oct 28, 2012 23:35

Now with the Scientific Method! A few of these will be explored at length in an upcoming fic, if Serenity and I ever finish it.

Questions: What causes immunity? Who is immune? Who is a carrier?

Control Group: Infected
Experimental Group: Immune, asymptomatic carriers

Hypothesis: Immunity comes from the father
Hypothesis: Carriers had an adverse reaction to the most common infected bacterium as children and developed antibodies that still attack the altered bacteria
Hypothesis: Immunity can be acquired via PED vaccination
Hypothesis: Immunity can be acquired via transfusion

Test: search for a consistent difference in the alleles of both infected and non infected persons (oh god this would take so long)
Test: look for Green Flu-attacking antibodies in carriers
Test: Test persons previously vaccinated for rabies for characteristics shared with infected persons, dissimilarities with other non-infected persons. Treat common infected with rabies vaccine
Test: if antibodies are found within carriers, transfer them to infected persons

QUESTION: What causes Zombiesm? What makes SI different than others? Can this disease be cured? Can it be managed?

Control group: Common infected
Experimental group: Various groups of special infected
Conditions: Identical enclosures (proportionally: big enough for each infected to lay down + 5 feet depending on the size and type) Identical food (a mixture of..well, a mixture)

Hypothesis: Green Flu is a strain of rabies that has gained properties of a retrovirus
Hypothesis: We will find the virus has mutated a different kind of bacteria in each type of SI
Hypothesis: SI mutations happen at random.
Hypothesis: All SI strains can be linked to an invaded staphylococcus 
Hypothesis: Cancer cells will be present in all infected.
Hypothesis: Use of the Milwaukee protocol may restore function to some infected persons
Hypothesis: The Smokers' tentacles grow from leukoplakia plaques and precancerous cells

Test: Observe Green Flu interaction with living cells with reference to standard rabies, ribovirus, and retrovirus. The Green Flu, while none of these, will share its properties with all of them
Test: Test for hosting bacteria from various parts of each infected's body
Test: Test the interactions of green flu with animal cells. It will behave like a retrovirus and alter the nucleic dna of the animal cells. Variations on this pattern will be found within the SI
Test: attempt to host Green Flu in staphs. Observe results. Look for similar host bacteria in each infected
Test: Biopsy any unusual growths of the infected for cancer cells
Test: Administer Milwaukee protocol to infected persons
Test: Compare cells collected at base of smokers' tentacles to the precancerous cells of a leukoplakia

formatting y u no stay where i put you, zombie science

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