Last weekend was a shocker. I’m fucking rat arsed, especially after struggling through fifteen hours of painting tiny frigging soldiers in almost sub-arctic conditions today
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Or maybe its just the fact that I know that I’d have to sit through fourteen hours of the whiny yank claptrap for it to make any sense at all, and when it does, it’ll be not just bollocks, but septic bollocks. Cancerous testicles
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I had a pretty good weekend. On Friday I did myself a slight mischief through imbibing beer, not in great quantities, but with great vim and vigor. This necessitated a visit to the shower at 5am, to dry out, and not feel so bad
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Someone: Happy NY dude... Me: Yeah, same to you...hang the fuck on, what time is it? Someone: Around 2ish i think. Me: The fuck it is...ahhh, who gives a rats arse, someone make me another Cosmo!
And thats about all she wrote. Next year I want medicine.