Friday morning

Jun 20, 2008 08:55


May your day be full of happiness and much fun!


*  *  *

Two very lucky people got a tour of Bridge Studios. And they got to see David and Joe in person doing their stuff! Not jealous in the least. ;)

Going to my good friend P's house to rehearse 2 piano music and then going to a student recital this

sga, recital, piano, birthday

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Comments 12

mcalex22 June 20 2008, 16:16:31 UTC
Thanks for the link. I'm out of touch with Gateworld and I think I used to know that person. Funnily enough I think I may have seen her in London a year ago.

It sounded like so much fun and I'd log into say that but I just don't remember any of my Gateworld IDs/passwords anymore...!

I really like reading fan stories like that! I could never interact with anyone and I'd just be utterly quiet (unlike me) and awkward but I adore reading how others get along :)


pavaneofstars June 20 2008, 16:40:15 UTC
You're welcome. :) It was fun to read and makes me want to meet the boys in person, too. Life is just not fair sometimes.


girly_curl_3 June 20 2008, 16:40:31 UTC
Thank you, honey! ♥


pavaneofstars June 20 2008, 16:41:56 UTC
you're welcome! :D *big bday squishy hug*


oregonjen June 20 2008, 17:45:04 UTC
Thanks for the GW link - wow, what great reports of their visit. I know I must have been in a cave someplace, but how did they arrange it? I gathered that perhaps there was an auction involved - something for charity?? Anyway, very cool for them to be able to spend ALL DAY at The Bridge and hang out with the boys. What a memory to treasure! Thanks again - have a great weekend! :-)


pavaneofstars June 21 2008, 05:31:16 UTC
You're welcome. :)

You know, I'm not sure how they got a set visit - those lucky people! It may have been some sort of charity auction. But very cool of them to share about their day!


arlessiar June 21 2008, 09:17:33 UTC
It was some sort of charity auction, one of them spent an insane amount of money for a charity for a set visit with a lunch with JF.

If I had the money I'd do that too, I think (crazy me). But the way it is it's completely out of the question. I'd also have to fly over there, so no, not gonna happen unfortunately. Also, my parents would think I'd lost my mind to spend money on something like THAT.


arlessiar June 20 2008, 22:35:39 UTC
I'm so jealous, 'Green' doesn't even describe the way I look like at the moment...

I'm very happy for Linzi (who I know from GW and met at P2) and her friend, but still - jealous!! :)

Lunch with David!! *dreams*

So Jane left for the UK earlier than David, and he was alone for a while. Poor woobie. Now they're all in the UK already. I wonder if they get married this weekend.

I was honestly shocked that he didn't know the slightest bit about whumpage! And that he eats less than the Flan was interesting. And it made me happy that both JF and DH don't seem to notice any romance in season 5, that gives me hope despite all the spoilers and rumours.


pavaneofstars June 21 2008, 05:38:46 UTC
omg! Lunch with David and Joe! :D I wonder what our conversation would be about if I'd had the same opportunity for lunch with the boys. Nope, not in the least jealous of those two lucky people. ;)

I was also trying to figure out the time line for the wedding. I'd say this weekend's a good bet. If he flew in over the weekend, that would have given him time to get acclimated to the time zone, settle in, make preparations for the wedding, hang with family, etc. Get married. Then do MtH in London next weekend.


arlessiar June 21 2008, 09:14:59 UTC
If he flew in over the weekend, that would have given him time to get acclimated to the time zone, settle in, make preparations for the wedding, hang with family, etc. Get married. Then do MtH in London next weekend.

Exactly. And he'd have one wonderful honeymoon week before the con. :D

I love it that we can talk about things like that so openly here on LJ. :) It was different on GW, but I don't think any harm is done when we talk about his private life like that, at this level it isn't disrespectful imho.

Can't wait to meet him next weekend. Hope he talks about the wedding a bit and maybe, maybe he'll even bring Baz... although I doubt it.


pavaneofstars June 21 2008, 17:32:55 UTC
yeah, people would be jumping all over us on GW. Yay for LJ!

I wouldn't expect him to bring Baz to MtH, although, I would be secretly hoping for it. ;)

You must be getting really excited about next weekend. :D You must take lots of pics and lots of notes and remember every little detail! Ok, that's a pretty tall order. Remember what you can and share with us as soon as you can. :)


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