Title: Confessions Pairing: Ryoda Rating: PG-13 Summary: 5 worlds where Ryo and Tatsuya fell in love and 1 where they didn't Disclaimer: Only the story is mine & it's written for entertainment purposes. Warnings: unbetaed
the no 1 made my heart goes doki doki <3333 but but ryo don't die!!! the 2nd one, OMG duper sweet. the best proposal from ryo. i love it very much! the no 3 first time i read both ryo n tacchan as girls! XD and i see names there mama -____- lol this one is more on the cute side <333 the no 4 aww ryo is soo cute XD while tacchan is a mean tease. role reversal XDD the no 5 made me go 'OMG DON'T FIGHT ;____;' but then the continuation made it better XD aww tacchan has a wife already*pets ryoda* XD
First I have to say that this layout is totally adorable... I was like whoooa 'me want'!
And I fell in love with the first drabble... but Ryo is kind of a tease still, Ueda told him quite often that he loves him and finally, finally Ryo reacts. But better than never, hehe :)
Comments 32
the 2nd one, OMG duper sweet. the best proposal from ryo. i love it very much!
the no 3 first time i read both ryo n tacchan as girls! XD and i see names there mama -____- lol this one is more on the cute side <333
the no 4 aww ryo is soo cute XD while tacchan is a mean tease. role reversal XDD
the no 5 made me go 'OMG DON'T FIGHT ;____;' but then the continuation made it better XD aww tacchan has a wife already*pets ryoda* XD
love it so much mama <3333
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mama -_________- lol
*huggles* <333
And I fell in love with the first drabble... but Ryo is kind of a tease still, Ueda told him quite often that he loves him and finally, finally Ryo reacts. But better than never, hehe :)
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the first one really make me squealing like crazy...
love it so much~
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Love it !!!!!! XD
Thank you and i love is 002~~~
003 is great too~~
Lesbian RyoDa~~~ *faint*
Thank you so much *glomps*
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
003 is for something unique. they're always gay. why not lesbian this time?
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